Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Warning to Americans ~ America projected to Collapse. (2013)

It's on main stream media now : Aired 1/18/2013 on the Fox News Bill O'Reilly show. Bill O'Reilly comments on a new GAO report which says the US economy will collapse if federal government spending and borrowing policies are not changed.Bill O'Reilly struck a rather apocalyptic tone in his Talking Points Memo tonight, warning viewers of the danger facing the economy and the country if it continues down the same path already half-forged by President Obama. O'Reilly predicted that no matter how many people try to sound the alarm about where the nation is headed, most people are just too content with their lives to listen or care."Last year the feds spent $1.1 trillion dollars more than the government took in. That is grossly irresponsible. The debt is now approaching $17 trillion. President Obama is the biggest spending chief executive in history' "Many Americans simply will not listen, and even worse, they are not smart enough... to even care. Disaster could be coming."


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