Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Inside the Saudi Kingdom (BBC Documentary)
"Peter, on Pentecost day 50 days later, did not speak to the crowd as a man who knew he was proclaiming a lie, but as one conscious of the undeniable fact that Jesus Messiah had risen from the dead. That was the main theme of his gripping message. Nobody could contradict him. No one attempted to deny it. The evidence of Jesus' resurrection swept on, to close pagan temples, to cast down idols, to lift men into nobility, and bring hope to a society in despair. "Jesus had said, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' Let me ask you, my friend, Could YOU say that?" "Yes, I could say that!" "But could you make anyone believe it?" There was silence. This greatest of all miracles was universally believed throughout the entire confines of the early Christian movement. A powerful impact was felt because the immediate followers of Jesus who had SEEN HIM PUBLICLY EXECUTED and PUBLICLY BURIED, these same people had even WALKED AND TALKED WITH HIM AFTER HIS RESURRECTION. A forceful, firm belief in all that he was, and in all that he claimed to be, has gripped men, delivered them from the power of enslaving habits and accomplished miracles of transformation in human lives, for multitudes in each generation ever since. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, there would never have been Christianity — nor the New Testament writings.
Where The Muslim Brotherhood are Leading Egypt ? ~ By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specializing in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland
2012 Prophesy or Panic
NDAA 2013 - Indefinite Detention without Trial is back
#EndOfTheWorld ~ Gun Sales surge after School Shooting & Obama Speech
Obama Wants a Civil War in America
Bible Prophecy & Underground Bases with Richard Sauder & Chuck Missler
In the latter half, author, evangelical Christian, former businessman, and Air Force officer Chuck Missler reacted to the May 21st Doomsday & Rapture prediction, popularized by Christian radio host Harold Camping. Bible prophecy is a field of study that "suffers as much from its enthusiasts as it does from its detractors," he commented, adding that Jesus repeatedly emphasized that "no man knows the day or the hour." Further, he noted that there's a doctrine in the New Testament that states there's no preceding event prior to the Rapture, so its time couldn't be calculated in advance. Missler also talked about fallen angels, the demonic nature of UFOs, and the Antichrist.
Underground Bases
Appearing during the second hour, researcher of underground & underwater bases, Richard Sauder, discussed who is operating these facilities and the concept of parallel civilizations. These bases are run with a combination of misdirection, illusion, and concealment by a variety of actors whom he referred to as "the organization." This stealthy group is extremely well-financed, and interfaces with a number of terrestrial human agencies, as well as some "off-planet" organizations, he declared. They likely have developed electro-gravitic and antigravity technology (such as seen in UFOs), which is being used behind our backs, he added.
Beginning in early childhood, Richard Sauder experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes. Some of Richard's favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, human prehistory and remote antiquity, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns. His underground and underwater bases and tunnels research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day.
He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science. He is the author of three books, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? , Kundalini Tales , and Underwater and Underground Bases . In addition, Richard has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs, has spoken at several conferences, and his writings and interviews have appeared many publications.
Chuck Missler received a Congressional appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy and then served in the U.S. Air Force. After leaving active duty, he became Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles at Lowry Air Force Base. Chuck has earned a Masters Degree in engineering from UCLA and a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist University. Chuck has worked as a systems engineer at TRW, followed by a Senior Analyst position serving both the intelligence community and the Department of Defense.
He also worked for the Ford Motor Company where he established the first international industrial computer network. He has served as a consultant to the Board of Directors of Rockwell International for corporate acquisitions and has also participated in over 100 business ventures as a principal, strategic advisor, or turnaround specialist. During the past 30 years, Chuck has also served on the Board of Directors of over a dozen public companies, and was Chairman and CEO of six of them. In addition, Chuck is the author of over sixty publications, including Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Cosmic Codes - Hidden Messages From the Edge of Eternity, and "Alien Encounters.
Steve Quayle : The Government has a Red List of Americans to be Terminated
In the first half, author and researcher, Steve Quayle, discussed the coming worst-case scenarios approaching the world and how they are all interrelated. "We're in a time period like no other in the history of the world," he declared, warning that the proverbial 'end game' of the global elite, as foretold in the Bible, has arrived. He cited the amplified violence in society, manipulation of the world's economy, and extreme weather being controlled by HAARP as indicators of this agenda to take over the planet. According to Quayle, "UN globalists" see gun control in America as a key step towards fulfilling their plan and he claimed that "four star, active duty generals in special operations" have told him that there are nearly 400,000 NATO troops already in the United States.
Quayle also shared chilling details about the secret plans for FEMA camps in America. He cited a whistle blower from the EPA who told him "the real purpose of a lot of it." Quayle explained that there is a "red list" of people who are "deemed incorrigible" and includes talk show hosts, gun owners, veterans, and "people who are outspoken." These unfortunate souls, he said, are to be "terminated within the first 30 days" and, thus, will not end up in FEMA camps. The "blue list" are law enforcement and military personnel who carry out the plans for the people on the "red list." Finally, there are those on the "green list," who will reside in FEMA camps and are reeducated to be turned into "techno-serfs" for the global elite.
The War on Guns is a Lost Battle ~ Paul Craig Roberts
Inside A Survival Bunker
It's clear to see that only the wealthy among us will survive in these obviously expensive bunkers. Us worker bees are doomed. Rfid chip is the mark (greek carve effect) of the wild beast. HAARP along with Project Blue Beam are the embodiment (idol) of the dragon which gives power to the wild beast which is the nwo. 666 just means human made for six is the number for humans. Study revelation via scripture4all . Org to see the greek. Be led by the Spirit for those who arent will suffer worse from Gods wrath than Illuminati could ever imagine. Obey His Law and live.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;*16*
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb
An EMP Attack on America in 2013 ~ LA Marzulli
LA Marzulli ~ Radio Liberty 12-10-12 : there is an implanting program going on (the mark of the beast ) says pastor LA Marzulli , the coming great deceprion in the form of falling angels mascherating as ET will manifest themselves in 2013 Dr. LA Marzulli, author of "Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural," has produced a spectacular DVD on the UFO phenomenon, one of the most confusing and unexplained mysteries of our time. Until now. Marzulli offers his own unique perspective on the subject and how this deception plays a part in end-time prophecy. When will the world meet these alien creatures in their flying machines? Is a face to face encounter right on the horizon? Marzulli believes we are being set up for a great deception. He answers a lot of questions on his DVD including What are those strange lights in the sky? What factual proof is there of UFO's? Are people interacting with UFO's now? Why do people feel the phenomena is benevolent? What other phenomena is going on? The Watchers then delves headlong into the unexplained phenomena including cattle mutilations, the abduction phenomena, and alien implants. Dr. Roger Leir, world expert on surgically removing alien implants, gives his most in-depth and chilling interview yet, with shocking surgical footage and actual physical evidence of what these implants contain. This is one of the best produced videos we have seen in quite some time and it offers some utterly fascinating material never seen anywhere else. Marzulli is an expert on UFO's and the supernatural and has produced a real gem in The Watchers. Marzulli wrote the Nephilim Trilogy series, a fascinating 3-book series of novels on the alien phenomenon. In addition, he has written Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural and The Alien Interviews,
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