Saturday, August 3, 2013
BREAKING: Obama Dispersing Benghazi Survivors Around US and Changing their Names
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was on with Greta Van Susteren tonight to discuss the Obama scandals. This was after Jake Tapper on CNN broke the news today that there were "dozens" of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11 when the consulate came under attack. Gowdy told Greta the Obama Administration is hiding the survivors, dispersing them around the country, AND changing their names.
And, at the same time Obama is calling this a 'phony' scandal.
Breaking: White House Holds High Level Meeting over 'Serious' Al Qaeda Threat
8/3/13 - Terrorists May Use Variety of Means and Weapons --- (FoxNews) Top U.S. officials met Saturday to review the Al Qaeda threat that prompted the State Department to issue a worldwide travel alert and close down 22 embassies and consulates for the weekend, a threat that has been described by Rep. Peter King as "very specific." The meeting, that took place on Saturday afternoon, was chaired by National Security Advisor Susan Rice with the Principals Committee to "further review the situation and follow-up actions," according to the White House.
Among those at the meeting Saturday afternoon were the secretaries of state, defense and homeland security and the directors of the FBI and CIA. Rice then joined Lisa Monaco, President Obama's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, in briefing the president, the White House said in a statement.
"The president has received frequent briefings over the last week on all aspects of the potential threat and our preparedness measures," according to the statement.
The travel alert was the first of its kind since an announcement preceding the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It came as Washington prepared to close its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world this Sunday over security concerns.
U.S. officials have not offered many details on the nature of the threat, but apparently are taking it seriously.
On Friday, the threat was described by Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, as "very specific."
"We're not certain exactly where something might happen but it's very specific as to when and it's also very specific as to the fact that it is going to happen, so we have to be on alert everywhere," the New York Republican told WINS-AM.
The travel alert was the first of its kind since an announcement preceding the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It came as Washington prepared to close its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world this Sunday over security concerns.
U.S. officials have not offered many details on the nature of the threat, but apparently are taking it seriously.
A White House official said Friday night President Obama was being updated on "a potential threat occurring in or emanating from the Arabian Peninsula."
An official told Fox News on Saturday that the president will get updates through his birthday weekend, which includes a retreat to Camp David, from Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco.
"There is a significant threat stream and we're reacting to it," said Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He told ABC News in an interview to be aired Sunday that the threat was "more specific" than previous ones and the "intent is to attack Western, not just U.S. interests."
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King, a former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee told WINS-AM that Americans abroad should register with the U.S. consulates in the countries they are visiting.
Americas Book of Secrets - Area 51
Webster Tarpley world crisis radio August 3 2013
Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. Tarpley is a member of the "world anti-imperialist conference" Axis for Peace, of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and of a research Netzwerk of German 9/11 authors founded in September 2006. He is featured in the film, Zero: an investigation into 9/11 During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human HistoryAgainst Oligarchy. He is currently completing a study of Pearl Harbor as an episode in Wall Street's war against President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal, and FDR's economic bill of rights. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish. From 1974 to 1984, he was a correspondent in central Europe, during which time he co-authored Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro (Who Killed Aldo Moro, 1978) a study of international terrorism. In 1979-80, he appeared as commentator for Teleradiosole, a television station in Rome. From 1984 to 1996, he was a correspondent in Washington DC. Tarpley is the co-author of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), which has sold 30,000 copies and remains the only critical biography of the former President. In 1997 he published an anthology entitled Against Oligarchy: Essays and Speeches 1970-1996. These books can be consulted on the internet at His 9/11 Synthetic Terror, the Bible of the 9/11 Truth Movement, has sold over 20,000 copies. His two books on Obama are virtually the only critical ones in print from a progressive viewpoint. Tarpley has lectured in numerous colleges and universities around the world. In 1995 he was named a consultant to the Universal Ecological Academy of Moscow. He holds an MA from Skidmore College and a Ph.D. in history from the Catholic University of America. Webster Tarpley's talk show World Crisis Radio is now broadcast on the Genesis World Report on GCNLive Free Internet Streaming Radio, Saturdays, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern (1-3 Central, 11-1 Pacific), all 4 networks.
Current Economic Collapse News Brief
Addicted to Power - A Conversation with Dr. Mark Skousen
Earth Changes & Seismic Activity ~ Michael Sunanda
An expert in Earth's energy systems, Michael Sunanda spoke about climate, agriculture, and Earth changes. An advocate for permaculture (sustainable living), he suggested that modern farming and deforestation are contributing factors to climate change. Further, he contended that farming methods are causing foods to become too acidic, which makes people sick. He recommended the book Food Not Lawns, for tips on how to turn your yard into a garden.
Climate science based on computer modeling doesn't include factors such as cataclysmic cycles, Sunanda commented. The Earth is moving to a new position in the galaxy which can be associated with axis changes and pole shifts, he noted.
Appearing in the second-half of the program, geologist Jim Berkland talked about earthquakes. Animals can react to quakes between 10 days to three weeks in advance of the event, and he postulated this may be due to the magnetite in their bodies sensing a change in the magnetic field. Lights in the sky may also precede quakes-- such lights were photographed in Japan, he reported.
Berkland declared July 29th through August 5th, 2008 to be the next window of seismic activity. In particular, he said a total eclipse on August 1st will bring high tides that can exert stress on the earth's crusts.
Micheal Sunanda has built & designed hundreds of geodesic dome models & teaching toys. He found the secret DaVinci Geometry Codes in his art work, based on spirals in Nature & Platonic polyhedrons. Micheal is a teacher of Permaculture & Gaia Ecology about whole energy patterns of earth weather, climate systems & natural fractal geometry organic life.
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The phrase "Earth Changes" was coined by the American psychic Edgar Cayce to refer to the belief that the world will soon enter on a series of cataclysmic events causing major alterations in human life on the planet.
This includes "natural events" (such as major earthquakes, the melting of the polar ice caps, a pole shift of the planetary axis, major weather events, solar flares and so on) as well as huge changes of the local and global social, economical and political systems.
Cayce himself also made many prophesies of cataclysmic events involving the whole planet. He claimed the polar axis would shift and that many areas that are now land would again become ocean floor, and that Atlantis would rise from the sea. The belief that the California coast would slip into the sea—a common feature of Earth Changes predictions—originated with Cayce's alleged prophecies.[citation needed] In more recent times, self-proclaimed psychic Gordon-Michael Scallion has issued a variety of prophecies centering on the concept of "Earth Changes" and publishes a monthly newsletter, The Earth Changes Report.
New Age
Cayce's term has been taken up in certain segments of the New Age movement, often associated with other predictions by people claiming to have psychic abilities. Belief in Earth changes is also found among Native Americans, some of whom refer to the concept as "the Great Purification." These beliefs have occasionally been associated with Christian millennialism and beliefs about UFOs. Some New Age adherents believe that Earth changes will preface a "Golden Age" of spirituality and world peace
Seismology (/saɪzˈmɒlədʒi/) is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or through other planet-like bodies. The field also includes studies of earthquake effects, such as tsunamis as well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic, oceanic, atmospheric, and artificial processes (such as explosions). A related field that uses geology to infer information regarding past earthquakes is paleoseismology. A recording of earth motion as a function of time is called a seismogram. A seismologist is a scientist who does research in seismology.
Economic Collapse 2014 - US & World
This isthe destruction of the American Character : Make people dependant, to spread fascism under the guise of World Communism. As long as Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan gets their cut of the dole.Glass Steagall would seem like a better solution. Otherwise, the tax-lords will continue to play the Wall Street Casino, with stolen public money. If the computers crash; the next action will be to bail in peoples savings accounts down into a black-hole robber-baron cesspool of inequality.
Greg Palast on Vulture Capitalism, Argentina & Goldman Sachs
David Icke - The Perceivers & Decoders of Reality
David Icke is one of the most visible outspoken and controversial speakers and writers about the Illuminati and the New World Order control agenda
Some David Icke Quotes :
A gift of truth is the gift of love.
David Icke
And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.
David Icke
Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.
David Icke
I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead.
David Icke
I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.
David Icke
I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.
David Icke
I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
David Icke
In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet.
David Icke
Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.
David Icke
One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way.
David Icke
So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.
David Icke
The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.
David Icke
The Earth needs rebels!
David Icke
The reason most people don't express their individuality and actually deny it, is not fear of what prime ministers think of us or the head of the federal reserve, It's what their families and their friends down at the bar are going to think of them.
David Icke
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground.
David Icke
Lyndon Larouche - How can we best revive the spirit of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt?
Nigel Farage : War on Terror is War on Liberty - Farage launches e-petition
The e-petition demands that David Cameron debates the US-UK extradition treaty with President Obama, with a view to amending it; this in the light of the recent extradition of British citizen Christopher Tappin See below
http //
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage, the long term friend and supporter of Kent businessman Christopher Tappin, has set up a petition for opponents of his extradition to sign.
Mr Tappin, who fought extradition to the USA for two years, is currently awaiting the response to his bail application after Home Secretary Theresa May failed to stop his deportation to Texas.
If he is denied bail he faces the prospect of waiting for years in a violent American prison and being forced into a plea bargain. If he waits
GoldSeek Radio : Harry Dent ~ The Great Depression Ahead - Aug 2, 2013
Harry S. Dent, Jr. is the Founder and President of the H. S. Dent Foundation, whose mission is “Helping People Understand Change”. Using exciting new research developed from years of hands-on business experience, Mr. Dent offers a refreshingly positive and understandable view of the future. Mr. Dent is a well-known author and is known as the developer of The Dent Method, a forecasting approach based on changes in demographic trends.
In his book The Great Boom Ahead, published in 1992, Mr. Dent stood virtually alone in accurately forecasting the unanticipated “Boom” of the 1990s. Today he continues to educate audiences about his predictions for the next and possibly last great bull market, from late 2005 into early to mid 2010. Since 1992 he has authored two consecutive best sellers The Roaring 2000s and The Roaring 2000s Investor (Simon and Schuster). In his latest book, The Next Great Bubble Boom, he offers a comprehensive forecast for the next two decades and explains how fundamental trends suggest strong growth ahead, followed by a longer-term economic contraction. Mr. Dent also publishes the HS Dent Forecast newsletter, which offers current analysis of economic, and financial market trends. Mr. Dent received his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar and was elected to the Century Club for leadership excellence. Since 1988 he has been speaking to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world. He has appeared on “Good Morning America”, PBS, CNBC, CNN/FN, and has been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Success, US News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, American Demographics and Omni.While at Bain & Company he worked as a consultant with several Fortune 100 companies. He has also been CEO of several entrepreneurial growth companies and an investor in new ventures. A frequent speaker on economic trends, Mr. Dent educates clients and partners on The Dent Method and provides strategic vision for asset allocation and investment selection.
New revelations In IRS Scandal Emerge As White House Continues "Phony Scandal" Claim
If Obama says it ("phony scandals") enough, PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE IT AND BEGIN SAYING IT THEMSELVES. Liberals have a very efficient Record/Play function when it comes to their incompetent elected leaders. So dead Americans overseas due to lack of help because of impending election, his political opposition receiving illegal scrutiny by the US Gestapo, and the NSA monitoring every means of communication save snail mail are no cause for concern. Phony applies to a lot with him, but not the scandals.
During a major speech on the economy from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois Wednesday, President Obama aimed some sharp criticism at Washington for "taking its eye off the ball" by succumbing to "an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals." He told the supportive audience in attendance: "I am here to say this needs to stop." The president lamented the "gridlock" in Congress in that has only "gotten worse" over the last six months. "If you ask some of these Republicans about their economic agenda, or how they'd strengthen the middle class, they'll shift the topic to "out-of-control" government spending," Obama said, "despite the fact that we have cut the deficit by nearly half as a share of the economy since I took office." Or, even worse, they will bring up the "tried and true" boogeyman of Obamacare, "despite the fact that our businesses have created nearly twice as many jobs in this recovery as they had at the same point in the last recovery, when there was no Obamacare." "With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals," Obama continued, alluding to the uproar from conservatives over the attack in Benghazi, the IRS targeting political groups and the DOJ subpoenaing reporters, "Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop." Instead, he said, "Our focus must be on the basic economic issues that the matter most to you -- the people we represent." "Rebuilding our manufacturing base. Educating our workforce. Upgrading our transportation and information networks," the president said to cheers from the crowd. "That's what we need to be talking about. That's what Washington needs to be focused on."
Numbers Of Part-time Workers Surges To All-Time High
And here is the bigger surprise coming to the sheeple: ObamaCare is going to tax welfare. You and your wife have two part-time jobs each but don't earn enough to support the family of 5. Uncle sugar, the people who destroyed the economy, "graciously" gives you food stamps and several tax "credits" (welfare) that help keep you and yours above water. Now since you don't make enough to be stuck in Medicaid and none of your employers can afford your health insurance, you must buy your own. Of course you can't afford to buy your own, so you are assessed a "penalty" (a tax, as everything paid to those of government is always a tax). The "penalty" serves to reduce or even eliminate your welfare benefits. Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Benghazi Secrets Obama Doesn't Want You to Know
The Infowars Nightly News Covers: Dozens Of CIA Operatives On The Ground During Benghazi Attack. CIA Running Arms Smuggling Team In Benghazi When Consulate Was Attacked. Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign & Why Was The US Ambassador To Libya Murdered?
The Truth about Embassy Threats ~ The Hagmann And Hagmann Report Aug 2 2013
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefitting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama.
The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive!
Real information. Real truth. Less hype.
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions
The vast majority of Americans are going to be absolutely blindsided by what is coming. They don't understand how our financial system works, they don't understand how vulnerable it is, and most of them blindly trust that our leaders know exactly what they are doing and that they will be able to fix our problems. As a result, most Americans are simply not prepared for the massive storm that is heading our way. Most American families are living paycheck to paycheck, most of them are not storing up emergency food and supplies, and only a very small percentage of them are buying gold and silver for investment purposes. They seem to have forgotten what happened back in 2008. When the financial markets crashed, millions of Americans lost their jobs. Because most of them were living on the financial edge, millions of them also lost their homes. Unfortunately, most Americans seem convinced that it will not happen again. Right now we seem to be living in a "hope bubble" and people have become very complacent. For a while there, being a "prepper" was very trendy, but now concern about a coming economic crisis seems to have subsided. What a tragic mistake. As I pointed out yesterday, our entire financial system is a giant Ponzi scheme, and there are already signs that our financial markets are about to implode once again. Those that have not made any preparations for what is coming are going to regret it bitterly. The following are 17 signs that most Americans will be wiped out by the coming economic collapse...
Back in 1980, the U.S. national debt was less than one trillion dollars. Today, it is rapidly approaching 17 trillion dollars...
When Will America Collapse?
Above is the second question that I'm regularly asked. Again I give a simple answer: We've already started to collapse.
If you're under age 30, you know what I mean. Adequate jobs for the under 30 crowd are non-existent. America sticks brilliant minds, holding quality degrees, with jobs like stacking merchandise at Walmart (WMT) or slinging hash at Denny's (DENN). The young people I know have had great difficulty getting jobs in their chosen field -- if they get a job at all. Don't believe me? Talk to the under-30 crowd near you and I think you'll find I'm right.
This is due to our government's policy of de-industrialization. America has slowly liquidated our manufacturing capabilities along with our wealth. And now the world's richest 1% control 39% of all the planetary wealth.
In contrast, the bottom 50% of people controls just 1% of the world's money in aggregate. The worldwide financial and political system now delivers and funnels the riches to the very pinnacle of the wealthiest people.
In the long-term, the U.S. dollar is going to lose a tremendous amount of value and inflation is going to absolutely skyrocket. That is one reason why so many people are investing very heavily in gold, silver and other precious metals. All over the globe, the central banks of the world are recklessly printing money. Everyone knows that this is going to end very badly. In fact, there is already a push in more than a dozen U.S. states to allow gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender. Someday you will be glad that you invested in gold and silver now while their prices were still low.
For many people, this is simply not possible. Many Americans are still completely and totally dependent on their jobs. But if you are able, now is a good time to move away from the big cities. When the next major economic downturn strikes, there will be rioting and a dramatic rise in crime in the major cities. If you are able to move to a more rural area you will probably be in much better shape.
Nobody Can Survive Without Water
Without water, you would not even make it a few days in an emergency situation. It is imperative that you have a plan to provide clean drinking water for your family when disaster strikes.
Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Trends In The News - "The Desire Of Power" - (7/24/13)
The new prince's name is GEORGE!! That's a laugh! It was King GEORGE in 1774 who ordered the destruction of interest-free colonial "scrip" money in favor of Bank of England interest-laden fiat money. The colonial economic prosperity was wiped out ushering in a depression by 1776 and bingo!......WAR!
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