Showing posts with label Stefan Molyneux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stefan Molyneux. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Countdown to Financial Collapse ~ G. Edward Griffin

Stefan Molyneux and G. Edward Griffin discuss the basics of the central banking scheme, past examples of honest banking, theft through inflation, monetarily enabling the military industrial complex, false patriotism and how long it will be until the collapse of the current system.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Psychopaths Among Us - A Conversation Stefan Molyneux with Michael Cross

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, welcomes Michael Cross back to the show to continue their discussion about appeals to emotion, manipulation, and the psychopaths among us.
socialism and communism are the predatory systems

I'd watch out for these irrational definitions like psychopathy and schizophrenic. Psychology is not really a science.  This terms are good ways to understand people, but have little weight in reality. The motives of people are too complex to be explained with psychobabble.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Addicted to Power - A Conversation with Dr. Mark Skousen

Stefan Molyneux speaks with Dr. Mark Skousen about the visible vs. invisible effects of government programs, concentrated benefit, dispersed costs, FreedomFest and the future of the United States economy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Truth About Bradley Manning ~ Stefan Molyneux

The US government wants to keep on the offensive and heavily prosecuting all truth tellers so that we don't think that those in government who are performing crimes against the people ARE prosecutable!! Keep on the offensive! Keep prosecuting and pumping propaganda so we can't get our feet on the ground!! How will we find our way?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Human Livestock Management! - Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, discusses human livestock management on the Nomad Capitalist Report.

This is a very intense casting.and not to sound negative(positive?) if the masses of the poor stopped reproducing so aggressively and spent more time doing other things(holding off reproduction until a later age, say, like 40-or 50 years old) then the rich and upper class could not prey so easily and quickly on the over productive poor. God knows the rich are not reproducing much, thy are always at risk of inbreeding and sterility

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Truth About Detroit's Bankruptcy ~ Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux breaks down the truth about Detroit's recent bankruptcy including debt, unfunded pensions, health care liabilities, legalities, unemployment, income, poverty, tax burden, education, police, crime, white flight, racial divide, corruption, more bankruptcies coming, bailouts, and comparisons to the United States economy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ The Truth About Edward Snowden

Stefan Molyneux discusses the truth about Edward Snowden and breaks down the, history, origin, legality, and the terrifying reality of warrentless wiretapping, data collection and government spying.

There are no free markets. Governments all regulate and franchise markets in favor of their supporters. Corporations are part of the government bureaucracy. Free Markets in themselves are of little concerns to libertarians. It's only when I wish to acquire a product or service and am forced to pay a monopolistic price or a tax that my libertarian emotions are aroused.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The TRUTH About George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin!

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, discusses the background, evidence and reality of the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin situation. Please check out and subscribe to his channel here!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ The Truth Behind World War Z

Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio unpacks the truth behind the zombie flick World War Z.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

STEFAN MOLYNEUX ~ Ending Government Involvement

Stefan Molyneux talks to the second caller on the 6/30 Freedomain Radio Sunday Show about convincing others to end their political involvement.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Reason Versus Emotion ~ Stefan Molyneux

In the first call of the 6/16 Freedomain Radio Sunday Show, Stefan Molyneux talks about combating emotional manipulation, being direct, telling people what you want and the value of real emotion.

Well emotions by themself are not "irrational", not all emotional feelings are irrational, it's just that our brain was evolved 30 000 years ago and some concepts of reality which we regularly use today is not properly solved with emotions. Emotion can be irrational because it is not based on reason for it's conclusion but the evolved "instincts" (wouldn't really call them that) that helped us survive and strive.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Decline and Fall of Canada. Prepare Yourself Accordingly ~ Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, deconstructs the myths of Canada's economic strength. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Freedom is Tyranny? Stefan Molyneux Debates StormCloudsGathering

Stefan Molyneux debates StormCloudsGathering on the perceived limitations of anarcho-capitalism. Including pre-debate analysis, post-debate analysis and a followup regarding the accusations at the end of the debate.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Patriotism is a Dangerous Disease - Stefan Molyneux

The Consequences of Patriotism - Stefan Molyneux on Breaking The Set with Abby Martin

The CIA is actually an independent agency, not part of the Federal Government; it claims a mandate to act on behalf of the U.S., as the corporate entity that gives them the most license. They are at war with the FBI and have been since the 1950's, see Fast & Furious as one recent incident. Benghazi embassy was a CIA black site, the Muslim mob attacked it to free a prisoner being tortured there beneath the compound; Republicans trying to impeach Obama over it know he can't openly tell the truth. Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, discusses media silence, increased terrorism, the enthusiasm of violence and true cost of the Iraq War with Abby Martin on the RT television show Breaking the Set.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Stefan Molyneux : The Case Against Democracy

As Aaron Russo said Democracy IS the worst. It's rule by the mob. 51% want to lynch you? OK u r dead. "Majority rules!

Due to the secret contractual control which the Holy Roman Empire still holds on all "slaves" then your protestations mean nothing. Like a sheep bleating as the slaughter truck arrives - the farmer just means "business" and it's nothing personal. You MUST revoke verbally and publicly the antecedent, implied societal contract which your parents inadvertently dropped you into at your birth and which you further reinforced and confirmed at 16 years when you took possession of the NIN, Social Security number. No revocation - no freedom for you .

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ Automation and Capitalism

Automation has never and will never take away ones ability to create for themselves. Remember all automated machines are created By humans.The machines don't feel, they don't care if the air conditioner is running or that the room is well lit. Automation is merely a means to an end. All automated robots to date require maintenance. Remember technology is never going to stop. Any tool can be used for good or bad. A Pencil can be used to draw plans for a great library or it can be used to stab someone.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ Anarchy Means "Without Rulers" - Not "Without Rules"!

The literal meaning of "Anarchism" (from it's Greek origins) is "contrary to authority." Anarchism means no submission to authority, laws, or government of any kind. No Anarchist society has ever existed successfully, because it can't. Human beings have not evolved to a point where NO "enforcement of rules" is needed and it is doubtful we ever will. Sameness is not in our genes, diversity is. Period. Minarchism is the only rational way forward: Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, + Rule of Law.

The Freedomain Radio Sunday Philosophy Call in Show, February 17th, 2013

0:00 Dr. Warren Farrell Co-Hosting Next Week!
1:30 Anarchy and Religiosity
21:40 Selling Freedom to Liberals
1:01:20 Anarchism and Business Ethics
1:14:00 Documentary/Tokyo Update!
1:57:10 Rousseau, Childhood and Intellectual Hypocrisy

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No Government is The Answer ~ Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is not an Anarchist. "Anarcho"-Capitalism is an oxymoron. True anarchism is anti-hierarchical and socialist - Like Anarchist Communism and Anarcho-Syndicalism - All of the original Anarchist philosophers - Mikhail Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Peter Kropotkin etc. - "Anarcho"-Capitalism is an entirely American phenomenon, a comparatively minor movement and a relatively recent one - One a majority of Anarchists believe is another example of Capitalism hijacking terms of the left.This system messed up society enough. CHANGE is needed completely from the ground up. Free energy is needed to be made available since it is suppressed on purpose. The Puppeteers couldn't hold control over the bottom of the pyramid people. They have everything to lose if things improve. SOLUTION? GET RID OF THE SYSTEM OF OPPRESSION!

Monday, February 4, 2013

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux

There will be no economic recovery. Prepare yourself accordingly.

The ancient Greeks invented the word chaos to describe complete disorder and confusion. They did not think they would be living with it for so long. Greece is the economic basket-case of Europe, gone from junk status to even "junkier". The country's debt is 145 per cent of GDP and it is the ordinary people who are paying the price. One-third of Greeks live below the poverty line. Anger has turned into violence and despair, and suicides have increased by 40 per cent since the crisis began. Plummeting salaries and pensions, never-ending tax hikes and ever-deeper spending cuts have pushed the country to the brink of economic and social collapse. Queues at soup kitchens are lengthening, the number of homeless people is mounting, and critical medical supplies are in short supply. The Greeks also invented democracy, but inconclusive election results with no outright majority could simply prolong the crisis. Some say the Greeks have brought it all on themselves, and call for harsher measures. But can the latest government cut further and deeper? Can Greece survive the euro? Can the euro survive Greece? Or is this the end of the European dream?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Ethics of Capitalism ~ Stefan Molyneux

The only real cure -- the beginning of a cure -- is to move away from the welfare state, rather than towards it. People who criticize libertarians, or anarchists, as Stefan would call himself, for disregarding the poor have a very misconstrued outlook on what the end goals of libertarianism are. The end goals are equity, affluence, and a high standard of living -- and above all, liberty. Attempting to reach these goals outside of liberty is hopeless, time and time again the welfare state fails , this philosophy which Stefan advocates is absolutely necessary. It is and will be the grounding of the liberty movement. Without this grounding, we would inevitably fail back into the clutches of collectivism, big government, and the welfare state. While collectivism and big government have pretty goals and seemingly immediate results, they exacerbate the problem in the long wrong. The welfare state as a solution is like giving morphine to a person with cavities who just needs a dentist.


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