Friday, February 1, 2013
Alex Jones ~ The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America
Webster Tarpley on Hillary Clinton's disastrous legacy in the State Department
BREAKING NEWS - Eric Dollard - The TRUTH about the Sun - 29\01\2013.
Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak. Rebuild WardenClyffe - I have put this video out in it's most basic form - My heart tells me so - I will issue apologies if am wrong . - I think the energy that powers suns may come from Black holes - Fits perfectly - A large sun reaches the end of it's life - Stops producing energy and becomes invisible - a black hole - Now the sun has reversed its role and sucks in and recycles spent solar systems - converts it into energy which is then " sent " to younger suns to give life to younger solar systems - Birth and rebirth - The perfect cycle. ... He he Heh! - Here is a another copy of this video on you tube - Well worth a look for the COMMENTS on it, I highly recommend the other Eric Dollard vids on this channel as well... Great stuff! What the bankers did to Tesla is a crime against humanity...
Mark Levin : "The Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government, It's Called Barack Obama"
MARK LEVIN: What the hell's happening? Now we've backed the Muslim Brotherhood? And then of course, our dear friend Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert and three other brave members of the House of Representatives asked questions about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of our own government and they're treated like pariahs. Well, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, it's called Barack Obama. No, he's not a formal member, he's a sympathizer. There, I said it. Prove otherwise. Meanwhile, you want to look into Obama's soul? You want to look into his soul? Well, look at his soul. You want to know what I see, Mr. Producer? I see Chuck Hagel. What kind of commander-in-chief would nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense? I'll tell you what kind of commander-in-chief, the kind of commander-in-chief that arms the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamonazi regime in Cairo while he's hallowing out the greatest military force on the face of the earth under his direct command, the United States military. That's what kind of commander-in-chief [he is]. Chuck Hagel, whose a sympathizer with the most radical elements in the Middle East, and an Israel hater. So why would a president nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel? Because the president is Chuck Hagel. He's a sympathizer with the most radical elements in the Middle East and he's an Israel hater. That's why he nominated Hagel. So, Chuck Hagel making a fool of himself today, at his confirmation hearing. And he'll still be confirmed, I bet, because the Democrats are lockstep. Even the Jewish Democrat members of the U.S. Senate, they're lockstep. The Anti-Defamation League, they're lips are sealed. AIPAC, Hagel once called them the 'Jewish lobby.' They're lips are sealed, they're all a bunch of cowards. It's the righteous gentiles who are speaking up. You want to hear the truth? You'll hear the truth on this microphone. It's the righteous gentiles who are speaking up. It's the conservatives who are speaking up. And Chuck Hagel is not just a problem for Israel, he is a huge problem for the United States military. This man believes in unilateral disarmament. Whether it's convention weaponry, or nuclear weaponry. And he's on the record and there's not a damn thing he can say to reverse course. But then again, so is Obama. (Mark Levin Show, January 31, 2013)
Bill O'Reilly ~ Senator Bob Menendez In Big Trouble
Bill O'Reilly examines the shocking accusations New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is facing. The accusations include undisclosed trips to the Dominican Republic on a donors private jet and hiring under aged prostitutes. Senator Menendez has denied the accusations.
Rambo Supports Gun Ban !
Associated Press) Sylvester Stallone says that despite his "Rambo" image and new shoot-em-up film "Bullet to the Head," he's in favor of new national gun control legislation. Stallone supported the 1994 "Brady bill" that included a now-expired ban on assault weapons, and hopes that ban can be reinstated.
The REAL Face of Tyranny.....
Moriningland Dairy, a family business that has been in operation for over 30 years without a single complaint or report of any illness has ceased today. The over two year battle they've had with the Missouri Milk Board ended today with a raid and confiscation of over 250 thousand dollars of inventory seized by the state. As a result of the legal stipulations put on Morningland Dairy which are impossible to comply with they will no longer be able to produce their product. The real crime they are being persecuted for is producing cheese with raw milk. Whether the state wants to admit it or not that is what their real charge is and that in itself is criminal.
Alex Jones Show: Friday (2-1-13) Rosa Koire & Steven Anderson
Sandy Hook Update, Bob Tuskin with Shepard Ambelas
..School shooting...complete gun control............They are just pulling old plays that have worked in the past....
Rand Paul Speech On Debt Ceiling, Taxes, Foreign Aid and Balancing The Budget in Oldham County
America and Britain in Prophecy
Nigel Farage Wants the UK out of the EU in order to prevent 29 Million Romanians and Bulgarians to come to the UK
Parallel Universes, Teleportation & Time Travel ~ Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg discussed visiting parallel universes, teleportation, and time travel. Research at Stanford University regarding inflation theory supports the idea of parallel universes, he reported. Such alternative worlds are physically the same as ours, but contain different event streams, he suggested. For instance, in one parallel realm he learned of, Robert Kennedy wasn't assassinated and went on to win the presidential election in 1968.
Time travel, which he said won't be discovered until around 3050, takes people to parallel worlds rather than their own, Goldberg explained. ET craft, he detailed, have the ability to travel to parallel universes as well as bend the space/time continuum. Some alien abduction cases actually involve time travel, he added.
Goldberg shared a method in which people can develop a kind of time travel into their own future: During a meditative state, think of an upcoming situation, then visualize five doors in front of you, each with a different outcome. Review how each outcome will unfold, and then choose the door that best meets your goal.
He also presented teleportation case histories, noting that the sensations a person experiences when they are teleported are more physical than in an OBE.
Dr. Bruce Goldberg holds advanced degrees in dentistry and Counseling Psychology and conducts a thriving international hypnotherapy practice in Los Angeles that specializes in reincarnation, time travel and consiousness raising. In 1987 he was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame. Dr. Goldberg has written 18 books and over two dozen scientific articles on his work. He has appeared on several national television programs and has conducted over 35,000 past life regressions and future life progressions on over 14,000 patients since 1974. His first book, Past Lives, Future Lives, was the very first book ever written on taking patients into future lives. His second book, The Search For Grace, was made into a CBS movie. His newer books which include, Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed, Ascension and Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis, teach how to time travel, meet time travelers, leave our body and grow spiritually.
U.S Embassy Blast in Ankara, Turkey (raw footage)
Michael Savage attacks Rush Limbaugh for supporting Marco Rubio
Illegal immigration is nothing more than slavery in our modern day and age that the democrats continue to perpetuate and support. We have a system to treat everyone as equals and to create an environment of success. Allowing people to walk over and plant a flag is treason. We need to control who comes over for equality's sake, to protect those that worked hard to get here, and to ensure that those are here get treated with respect. .
When Rubio was born his parents were not naturalized citizens. But this doesn't matter - Rubio himself was born in the U.S. and therefore a citizen by birth of right.He was born in Miami, FL. Although his parents immigrated from Cuba, Rubio is a natural born citizen. IMO, he will be President come 2016. Andrew Jackson's parents were immigrants from Ireland but he still became President
The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses, January 31, 2013
Full Article:
Michael Savage - Does Rush Limbaugh Support Marco Rubio on Amnesty for illegals? - 1/31/13
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