Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Michael Savage Covers Benghazi-Gate, Update on Charles Ramsey, Mentions Jodi Arias
Potential Whistle Blowers Are Being Threaten By Obama Admin Benghazi Gate State Dept Withholding Benghazi Documents - Whistleblowers Threaten By Obama's People?Hopefully, this will break wide open, and then we can impeach Obama. How long is America going to put up with this tyrant and his destruction of American? He is a joke and by far the worst mistake America has made. He has no leadership skills, he doesnt care about the people, only his own well being and agendas. He is a liar and is destroying America and taking away our freedom and the morality of America. We are looking like a weak joke to the rest of the world. He has already bankrupted this country.
Americans thrown in Jail for not paying off their Debt
The American Civil Liberties Union has launched a campaign to educate the public about the severity of holding too much debt. Civil liberties advocates say about 33 percent of US states jail people for not paying off their debts. Alabama, Florida and Ohio are three of the most costly states to be poor in. And according to a recent poll, Washington, DC is the country's most expensive city to live in.
Europe Is Dragging Down the US Economy - 2013 Economic Crisis Trigger
The global financial crisis (GFC) or global economic crisis is commonly believed to have begun in July 2007 with the credit crunch, when a loss of confidence by US investors in the value of sub-prime mortgages caused a liquidity crisis. This, in turn, resulted in the US Federal Bank injecting a large amount of capital into financial markets. By September 2008, the crisis had worsened as stock markets around the globe crashed and became highly volatile. Consumer confidence hit rock bottom as everyone tightened their belts in fear of what could lie ahead.
The sub-prime crisis and housing bubble
The housing market in the United States suffered greatly as many home owners who had taken out sub-prime loans found they were unable to meet their mortgage repayments. As the value of homes plummeted, the borrowers found themselves with negative equity. With a large number of borrowers defaulting on loans, banks were faced with a situation where the repossessed house and land was worth less on today's market than the bank had loaned out originally. The banks had a liquidity crisis on their hands, and giving and obtaining loans became increasingly difficult as the fallout from the sub-prime lending bubble burst. This is commonly referred to as the credit crunch.
Although the housing collapse in the United States is commonly referred to as the trigger for the global financial crisis, some experts who have examined the events over the past few years, and indeed even politicians in the United States, may believe that the financial system was needed better regulation to discourage unscrupulous lending.
The global financial crisis enters a new phase
The collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 14, 2008 marked the beginning of a new phase in the global financial crisis. Governments around the world struggled to rescue giant financial institutions as the fallout from the housing and stock market collapse worsened. Many financial institutions continued to face serious liquidity issues. The Australian government announced the first of it's stimulus packages aimed to jump-start the slowing economy.
The U.S. government proposed a $700 billion rescue plan, which subsequently failed to pass because some members of US Congress objected to the use of such a massive amount of taxpayer money being spent to bail out Wall Street investment bankers who some people may have believed could be one of the causes of the global financial crisis.
By September and October of 2008, people began investing heavily in gold, bonds and US dollar or Euro currency as it was seen as a safer alternative to the ailing housing or stock market.
In January of 2009 US President Obama proposed federal spending of around $1 trillion in an attempt to improve the state of the financial crisis. The Australian government also proposed another stimulus package, pledging to give cash handouts to tax payers, and spend more money on longer-term infrastructure projects. Australia's response to the global financial crisis - the first stimulus package
Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan delivered their first budget in response to the global financial crisis, with the main objective being to fight inflation - a major problem in the local economy at the time.
The global financial crisis enters a new phase
The collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 14, 2008 marked the beginning of a new phase in the global financial crisis. Governments around the world struggled to rescue giant financial institutions as the fallout from the housing and stock market collapse worsened. Many financial institutions continued to face serious liquidity issues. The Australian government announced the first of it's stimulus packages aimed to jump-start the slowing economy.
The U.S. government proposed a $700 billion rescue plan, which subsequently failed to pass because some members of US Congress objected to the use of such a massive amount of taxpayer money being spent to bail out Wall Street investment bankers who some people may have believed could be one of the causes of the global financial crisis.
By September and October of 2008, people began investing heavily in gold, bonds and US dollar or Euro currency as it was seen as a safer alternative to the ailing housing or stock market.
In January of 2009 US President Obama proposed federal spending of around $1 trillion in an attempt to improve the state of the financial crisis. The Australian government also proposed another stimulus package, pledging to give cash handouts to tax payers, and spend more money on longer-term infrastructure projects.
Coming WW3 Signs - How WW3 will develop in 2013?
From Daniel, Ezekiel, NT, it is clearly shown that in the last days, World War 3 will be started by the king of the South represented by Israel or Egypt. When Israel attack the king of the North represented by Iran (head of the former Persian empire), then all hell will break loose. After the 4th Seal is opened, 1/4 of all mankind will be killed by wars with the deployment of WMD, greatest earthquakes ever with subsequent extremely huge tsunamis, pestilences and famines.
The end is at hand. The 4th Seal was opened on the 3rd February 2011, in the midst of riots in Cairo, Egypt. Be ready to face the coming prophecies as recorded in OT, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation, etc. before the opening of the 5th Seal (The period of the Great Tribulation) and then the 6th Seal (Rapture).
7 Year-Old Boy Suspended From School For Simulating Gunfire With Pencil
Seven year-old Christopher Marshall was suspended from his Suffolk, Virginia elementary school for pointing a gun at a classmate, and making what he described as "a machine gun noise."
Christopher's father, a former Marine, says his son was just pretending to be a Marine, while his "victim" was being "a bad guy."
School spokesperson Bethanne Bradshaw explained, to a local TV station, that the school has a "zero tolerance policy" for weapons, and "A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made."
That's true, the last time I pointed a pencil at a mugger and made gun noises, I got my ass kicked. The guy wasn't even impressed by my spot-on cocking sound effect, which was a helluva lot more convincing than the gun noises that Christopher made:
In all seriousness, Ms. Bradshaw has a kernel of a point when she points out that "Some children would consider it threatening, who are scared about shootings in schools or shootings in the community," but suspending the child was a clear overreaction, especially since he stopped when he was told to.
The school also missed a golden opportunity for some gun-grabbing indoctrination. Instead of suspending the kid, they could have had a discussion about how the kids feel about the gun violence that's been dominating the news, maybe even sing a few Obama carols.
The worst part, though, is that, according to WAVY, "both students were suspended for two days," which makes you wonder why the parents whose kid got fake shot didn't make a stink. Was he carrying a concealed crayon?
Alex Jones Show ~ Katherine Albrecht & Wayne Madsen - : Wednesday (5-8-13)
On the Wednesday, May 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the prospect of the United States military intervening in Syria by the end of summer. He also covers the latest efforts in Congress to reanimate gun legislation. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex covers Google's effort to scare visitors away from and Drudge with GCN talk show host Katherine Albrecht. She is coauthor of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move.
Build up to WW3 - Israel vs Syria
With the Israeli bombing of Syria, will the Syrian civil war spread throughout the region? What is Israel's political calculation here? Is Obama's red line regarding chemical weapons just a hoax? And what will happen in Syria if there is a regime change? CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar, Christopher Chivvis and Geoffrey Ingersoll.
Gitmo is an Abomination
America Is Doomed! Joe Hagmann & Baran Hines 29 Apr 2013
Of course poverty is on the rise in America. What do you expect? The globalists are in control. The federal reserve is full of them. Just like the government, the banks, the corporations, the education system and legal system. I mean you have record inflation, devalued currency, trillions in debt, the average citizen is in debt, rent and house prices are sky high, all that while wages are stagnant and minimum wage is kept artificially low. Couple that with this globalist world trade/free trade BS and the neocons getting rid of the unions what do you really expect? Kapitalism is not working. Globalism is destroying America and its destroying the Americans. Like I said its what the globalists want. They want the Americans exterminated. Best way to do this is through economics. If you don’t have money you can’t breed. You can’t breed your people go the way of the dodo and T. Rex. Really what did your people expect? You let a foreign cabal take over your country and run you and your children out of power and control.
David Icke & Michael Tsarion ~ Free Yourself , Free Humanity
The solution is so simple yet most people still don't get it, STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY TO OTHERS! ALL "Governments" are slavers! When you give your power away to another person, they become your Master, you their Slave, it's that simple. They're all a scam, democracy being one of the worst, where you "think" you're free but are totally enslaved! Wake up, live free, as God made you to be! Good luck!
Corporate Sponsored Famine?
Monsanto's running a self destructive system for a quick buck and it's disgusting. Apparently 70% of the food on the shelves is either gmo or has traces of gmo in it.
Judge Napolitano on Internet Wiretap Proposal
Potential new regulations could make it easier for federal officials to wiretap online communications. The reported proposal have raised concern surrounding privacy issues. Obama's administration is implementing internet eavesdropping and wiretapping. Emails and social networking sites will be intercepted. It will make it easier for hackers to get all your information. This is a violation of your privacy and your Constitutional Rights are being taking away little by little.
Explosives caused the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11 Not hijacked planes
hy.poth.e.sis - Full Movie (Steven Jones documentary)
'hy.poth.e.sis' is a documentary film that follows physics professor Steven E. Jones during a pivotal point in his life. In 2005, Steven went public with a controversial theory regarding the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11. His assertion that the collapse was likely the result of pre-positioned explosives rather than the hijacked planes resulted in a backlash from the community and even threatened his standing as a professor at BYU. Despite hate mail, threats, and even bribery to end his research, Steven refused to give in to overwhelming pressure and continued his pursuit of the truth.
Elizabeth Warren on Student Debt Trap
Senator Warren Introduces the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act, her first piece of stand-alone legislation, on May 8, 2013. The bill would would students who are eligible for federally subsidized Stafford loans to borrow at the same rate the big banks get through the Federal Reserve discount window.
Minister Louis Farrakhan: The Time & What Must Be Done
Dialogue over “Truth” is most important; in fact, the highest level of energy comes from the highest level of conversation. And when we are conversing about The Word of God, and The Time and What Must Be Done, you provoke the highest level of interaction. Whether “in agreement” or “not in agreement,” the Holy Qur’an teaches us in Surah 16 Al-Nahl (“The Bee”), verse 125: “…argue with them in the best manner,” and, with “justice.” --The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
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