Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Piers Morgan Guns in America Heated Debate, Gun Laws Restrictions - 1/15/13
Alex Jones on Huffington Post Live *WAKE UP AMERICA YOUR IN A TRANCE!*
Alex Jones, the radio host whose tussle with Piers Morgan was felt 'round the world, appeared on HuffPost Live on Friday to talk about the fallout from his interview. For most of the chat, Jones was relatively restrained — a far cry from the high-decibel ranter who shouted at Morgan about the Second American Revolution. Towards the end, though, he regained his old spark with a tirade that truly has to be seen to be believed. After quoting liberally (and loudly) from the famed "mad as hell" speech from "Network," Jones began going on a wide-ranging monologue that encompassed everything from drone wars and curtailments on privacy to more boutique topics. "Learn about the New World Order!" he said at one point. "Learn about eugenics and the cancer viruses and the vaccines! Learn about the GMO's designed to sterilize you!" He then held up a book called "Ecoscience," and took his shouting to a new level. A rough transcript follows: "THEY'VE GOT POISON IN THE WATER! POISON IN THE WATER! THIS IS A NORMAL RESPONSE TO THIS! THIS IS HOW THEY SHOULD HAVE RESPONDED TO HITLER! YOU'RE IN DANGER! YOU'RE IN DANGER! YOU'RE IN DANGER, EVERYBODY WATCHING! THEY CONTROL BOTH PARTIES! YOU'RE IN DANGER! WAKE UP! GET OUT OF YOUR TRANCE! THEY SHOULD HAVE RESISTED
CNN: Growing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories
Rand Paul : I Am Against Having A King
Rand Paul on Gun Control Executive Order: Obama is Not 'King' - CBN News 1/14/2013 : "I'm against having a king," Paul said. "I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over and someone who wants to bypass the Constitution, bypass Congress -- that's someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch." "I've been opposed to executive orders, even with Republican presidents. But one that wants to infringe on the Second Amendment, we will fight tooth and nail," he continued. "And I promise you, there'll be no rock left unturned as far as trying to stop him from usurping the Constitution, running roughshod over Congress," he vowed. "And you will see one heck of a debate if he decides to try to do this."
Mind Control and Sandy Hook Shooting with Cathy O'Brien
Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (1-15-13) Full Show
They WILL Expand The Debt Again!
We are up against the National debt again! Let me make you a promise! They will expand it again or either we are going to default! They have to raise it. There are no other options. All the bickering and blaming is an act, no different than a WWF event. At the end of the day, they're high-fiving and patting themselves on the back. They get to keep their salaries, and all their cronies are smiling. All the way to the bank.
King Obama is already blaming the Republicans for our situation; they're all responsible! Fear mongering is not leadership!
King Obama will raise taxes without Congress!
King Obama will ban weapons. ammo and accessories without Congress!
King Obama will raise the debt ceiling without Congress!
Let the sheeple line up for handouts and registry!
Debt Ceiling Scarier Than The Fiscal Cliff
The Fall of America and the Western World ~ The Economic Crisis
Prophecies & Antichrist ~ John Hogue
Prophecies & Antichrist - John Hogue ((Classic))
Date: 05-04-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Patrick Heron, John Hogue
In the first half of the show, prophecy and Nostradamus expert John Hogue shared some predictions for the rest of 2011, and talked about how some of Nostradamus' quatrains may reflect on current events. Nostradamus had written that a "black and future king" would be involved in a war with the Third Antichrist, and Hogue suggested this "king" could refer to Obama, and the Antichrist (or Mabus, as he is named) was Osama bin Laden. Additionally, he spoke about a war (perhaps a number of years away) occurring between the US and Russia, which Nostradamus referred to as the "two great kingdoms of the North."
Hogue believes that we've reached a tipping point this year, and "Mother Nature" is declaring war on the abusive human behavior toward the Earth. He predicts a strong hurricane season, with the eastern seaboard getting hit worse than in previous years. He also sees the western US coastline being susceptible to large earthquakes this year, and particularly so when comet Elenin lines up with the sun and Earth, in September and November.
In the latter half, television producer and theologian, Patrick Heron discussed his work researching references to the Antichrist in the Bible, including connections to the Nephilim, and world prophecy. According to scripture, the Antichrist is "the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit, having seven heads, and ten horns." Other supernatural beings were also cast into this parallel dimension or "Abyss," and will be released along with the Antichrist, he stated.
The Antichrist, Heron continued, will team up with the "False Prophet" and deceive the whole world "with their counterfeit & magical science, miracles and wonders," enabled by the fact that they're spirit beings. He believes we are living in End Times, or the Apocalypse- a word that refers to the pulling away of the veil. He cited the appearance of UFOs as messengers of deception-- part of a conditioning process, prepping the world for the reappearance of the fallen angels.
Michael Savage - it is Not an Imperial Presidency, it is Government Anarchy! - 1/14/13
Admin Aids French Bombing of Mali After US Trained-Forces Join Rebels in Uranium-Rich Region
France is in its fifth day of an offensive to oust rebels that have held much of Mali's northern region since March -- an area larger than Afghanistan. The strikes have reportedly killed 11 civilians, including three children fleeing the bombardment of a camp near the central town of Konna. The United Nations estimates as many as 30,000 may have been displaced since fighting began last week. The United States has backed the offensive by helping transport French troops and making plans to send drones or other surveillance aircraft. It is aiding a fight against Malian forces that it once helped train, only to see them defect and join the Islamist rebellion. Watch Part 2 of this report: http://youtu.be/JFdxlkl7uUY We discuss the latest in Mali with Al Jazeera correspondent May Ying Welsh, who has reported from Mali's north; and with freelance journalist Hannah Armstrong, a fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs who joins us from the Malian capital of Bamako. To watch the entire weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit http://www.democracynow.org.
Joyce Riley interviews Cynthia McKinney 11-27-12
American Autumn An Occupy Documentary Full Length
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