Friday, March 22, 2013
Bio-microchip ready in March 2013, will Israel attack Iran by then?
When President Obama realized the importance and significance of the micro biochip especially with the development the Nano Technology, he embarked in the development of the biochip into possibly a mini medical laboratory right inside the human body (in conjunction with the computers). This will definitely ensure a healthier life for the user with the biochip constantly monitoring the health of the body. This will safe the American billions of dollar from , medication, hospitalization, health care, etc. This Verichip (micro biochip for human implantation) with unexpectedly great health benefit to the user, will be ready latest by 23rd March 2013. Every American will be grateful for this chip. Almost all Christians too will desire this Verichip for it will almost guarantee a healthy body and a longer lifespan. But it is the mark of the beast or '666'.
God's love for His people is shown that before the implantation of this miraculous chip, WW3 will break out. So Israel will likely attack Iran in 2013 to start WW3.
Breaking News RIFD implants - End Times News update 3/23/13 = 666
It is about time for humanity to depend on God not on government, not on money but on Living God. God will let us know how this world we live in is a sinking boat. We can not rely on anything in his world but only on unseen God. It is about time, people, stop everything you are doing and meditate how important to possess God. It is the time to become religious which you look down upon or you hated and despite on. God will let you know without Him you can not do a single thing.
RFID is already in use all around us. Humans have a verichip implanted for medical purposes. Dogs and Cats have verichips implanted as an ID tag to be located? Or used an EZPass through a toll booth? Or paid for gas using ExxonMobils' SpeedPass? Then you've used RFID.
There is no law requiring a label indicating that an RFID chip is in a product. Once you buy your RFID-tagged jeans at The Gap with RFID-tagged money, walk out of the store wearing RFID-tagged shoes, and get into your car with its RFID-tagged tires, you could be tracked anywhere you travel. Bar codes are usually scanned at the store, but not after purchase. But RFID transponders are, in many cases, forever part of the product, and designed to respond when they receive a signal. Imagine everything you own is "numbered, identified, catalogued, and tracked." Anonymity and privacy? Gone in a hailstorm of invisible communication, betrayed by your very property.
But let's not stop there. Others are talking about placing RFID tags into all sensitive or important documents: "it will be practical to put them not only in paper money, but in drivers' licenses, passports, stock certificates, manuscripts, university diplomas, medical degrees and licenses, birth certificates, and any other sort of document you can think of where authenticity is paramount." In other words, those documents you're required to have, that you can't live without, will be forever tagged.
Paul Craig Roberts: Triple Bubble Implosion Coming
Paul Craig Roberts former head of policy at Department of Treasury under Reagan, and the editor at The Wall Street Journal, founder of Institute for Political Economy, and prolific author. We speak about the crashing economy and why it is collapsing, austerity, corruption, Greece, the IMF, and Paul explains some of the complexities of the ill fated money system that is destroying us. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, "It's not just unconstitutional, murder is illegal." When it comes to drone strikes on U.S. citizens suspected of terror, everyone should be concerned. Roberts says, "Now the principle is if the government says you are guilty, you are—period. No evidence is needed for your termination." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Cyprus Bank Holiday, Run On The Banks = Financial Meltdown
Leaders in Cyprus and Brussels scrambled Monday to contain the fallout from an unprecedented effort to force ordinary bank depositors in this crisis-hit nation to pay for part of an international bailout, as stock markets faltered on concerns about the wider implications for Europe's long-running debt crisis. President Nicos Anastasiades was trying to compel policy makers in Brussels to soften demands for a tax to be assessed on Cypriot bank deposits, saying European Union leaders used "blackmail" to get him to agree to those conditions early Saturday in order to receive a bailout package worth 10 billion euros, or $13 billion. Cyprus, whose banking system is verging on collapse, is now the fifth nation in the 17-member euro union to seek financial assistance since the crisis broke out three years ago. As anger in this country swelled against the measure, Mr. Anastasiades delayed an emergency vote parliamentary vote on the bailout plan until Tuesday, the second step in as many days. Faced with a lack of support from lawmakers, the vote could be delayed until as late as Friday. The government also said it would keep Cypriot banks shuttered until at least Thursday, well beyond a bank holiday that was supposed to end Monday, a move aimed at staving off a possible bank run. A public holiday in Spain on Monday prevented savers worried by the Cypriot bailout from rushing to their banks, but there were no queues at cash machines and few signs of nervousness from investors. "I don't think there is any chance of contagion because Spain has already confronted this situation, like Ireland and other member states," said Agriculture minister Miguel Arias CaƱete. "The process of cleaning up [banks] has already been done here, and the situation is not the same because the conditions are different to the Cypriot case." The government's calm at the news that, for the first time in the euro crisis, bank deposits would be raided to help finance a bailout, contrasted with warnings from commentators that a dangerous precedent had been set which might one day provoke a run on Spanish banks. "This could bring contagion to other banking systems with problems," warned Columbia business school professor Tano Santos on the Nadaesgratis blog run by Spanish economists. "Bank deposits were a red line, but that has now been crossed - even if they try to call it a tax on wealth. We shall see how savers in other countries react." "There are parallels to the Spanish case, but the big difference as far as savers are concerned is that the conditions for Spain were established last year and did not involve any levy on savings," said Carlos Segovia, of El Mundo newspaper. Russia condemns 'unfair' Cyprus bank levy as bailout fears grow Putin says proposed levy on bank deposits in Cyprus, a favoured offshore haven for Russian big business, would be dangerous
Cyprus Crisis: Bankers Clashing With Riot Police
March 22 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Ryan Chilcote updates the Cyprus bank crisis. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers." (Source: Bloomberg)
Alex Jones Show: Friday (3-22-13) Paul Craig Roberts & Larry Elder
Today on the Friday, March 22 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we break down the accelerating global economic collapse, FEMA federalizing police for domestic war, and Obama's new title as global head of Al-Qaeda. We'll also cover the victory in bringing the massive DHS ammo purchases to light, which forced mainstream media and Congressmen to address the issue. On today's show, Alex welcomes American economist and renowned columnist Paul Craig Roberts to examine the Cyprus bank crisis situation and America's own crumbling economy. Alex also invites author and American radio and television personality Larry Elder to discuss the Obama deception still entrancing Americans and people worldwide.
Riots Erupt in Cyprus over Bank Crisis
Mike Rivero ~ Euro May Collapse in Two Weeks Because of Cyprus
The banksters who orchestrated this massive redirection of the wealth of the majority into their own pockets remain unstoppable and it seems governments prefer to pretend and placate us rather than face up to them and prosecute. Wrote this as few seem to appreciate that for the banksters its always been business as usual
The Last Pope Petrus Romanus Update
Cyprus Crisis: Protests Growing in the Streets
The Behind The Scenes of The Crisis in Cyprus with STRATFOR
we people of the world must realise it is time to deal with these thugs/ mafia corporate before they invade other banks and steal the hard cash of the poor and helpless people. they are really taking us for fools and stupid rubbish as we sit dumb and weak while they loot our savings. time for talking is over. we must unite and decide to bring justice and peace to all those who care for a better world. it is amazing how they can steal and wage war on us without we doing anything to stop it. the more quiet we stay the more they will find it easy to take advantage of us. we are all struggling on a daily basis and making lots of sacrifices to make ends meet. how can we allow those thugs and criminals to loot us and get away with it.?
How The Ultra Rich Germans Pay ZERO Taxes
As Germany deals with one tax haven, its citizens are increasingly popping up in another. Panama is home to hundreds of firms and shell companies headed by top German bankers, car manufacturers, and entrepreneurs as well as their families. The revelation was made by a hacker who published their names and companies online. Christoph Hoerstel, director of Hoerstel Networks Consultancy, gives his perspective.
Civil War is Coming in March 23 2013 Civil Unrest Big Brother must see Video
Those who trade Liberty for Security do not deserve neither.
Wake up, love yourself as well as others.
Unite and stand up SHOUT ENOUGH!!!
Obama, Head said, will "try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations. What do you think the public's going to do when that happens? We are talking civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war ... I'm not talking just talking riots here and there. I'm talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms, get rid of the dictator. OK, what do you think he is going to do when that happens? He is going to call in the U.N. troops, personnel carriers, tanks and whatever."
Head vowed to personally stand "in front of their personnel carriers and say, 'You're not coming in here.' And I've asked the sheriff. I said, 'Are you going to back me on this?' And he said, 'Yeah, I'm going to back you.' Well, I don't want a bunch of rookies back there who have no training and little equipment. I want seasoned veteran people who are trained that have got equipment. And even then, you know we may have two or three hundred deputies facing maybe a thousand U.N. troops. We may have to call out the militia."
A Documentary about The Gangster Banker Family's that are running this world...Everything you see and hear in this video is fully researched and documented FACT...Not just by me but by thousands of people....This video as shocking as it may be is just the tip of the iceberg....We will go into more detail and delve into the history of the Rothschild family in the next part of this trilogy.
Pope Calls For One World Religion Mark of the Beast Antichrist Obama End of the World!
, A lot of dumb idiots will be lined up to get the mark of the beast., there is a chip in your passport, driver's license, license plate and is already everywhere, and in a ton of public schools in Texas it's a badge children have to have on at all time's to track them, One girl, only one stood up and said no, and was expelled she said she did not want to be part of the Antichrist system.
Cancer Cure Breakthrough
too bad the public will never get see it on a mass scale... it'd hinder the population-control agenda in progress. either that, or they'll engineer a new virus/disease to release along with it. When you go to the Doctors, you ALWAYS see a Pharma Rep (Lobbyist) waiting for them in their office, that Rep is ALWAYS a Pretty Female with Cash in her Briefcase, as well as Vacation Offers for the Doctors and other Expensive Gifts for the Doctors, IF AND ONLY IF, the Doctor promises to Prescribe a Certain Drug (created by the Pharmaceutical Company that the Pharma Lobbyist works for). Doctors LOVE prescribing drugs, pushing drugs that the lobbyists bribed them to push
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