Thursday, July 18, 2013
Donald Trump on Bill O'Reilly Interview, Talks Economy, China and Obamacare - July 18, 2013
Trump would be a hell of a lot better president then Obama, at least he is willing to do what needs to be done instead of creating some BS healthcare system .He's a businessman, he knows how to make deals, he will get tough on China (even if he has ties made in China in which I don't think he knew or maybe he thought we're a screwed country so why not just sell them to stupid people who will only buy them anyway), I don't believe what they say about his net worth (in which they say isn't worth much). Trump has a big fat heart inside I believe it.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Bill O'Reilly on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - on May 22, 2013
Bill O'Reilly has hosted Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" since 1996. His latest book is "Keep It Pithy: Useful Observations in a Tough World." He is also the author of numerous New York Times #1 bestsellers including "Culture Warrior" (2006), "A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity: A Memoir" (2008), "Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama" (2010), "Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever" (2011) and "Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot" (2012). Raised in New York and New Jersey, O'Reilly studied history at Marist College and taught high school English and history before studying broadcast journalism at Boston University. He began his broadcast career as a reporter and anchor at WNEP in Scranton, Pennsylvania and worked in local news before settling in New York as an anchor at a CBS affiliate. In 1982 he became a CBS News network correspondent, covering international affairs, and moved to ABC News in 1986. He went on to anchor "Inside News," then took a brief break from television to earn a Master's Degree in Public Administration from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. In 1996 O'Reilly launched "The O'Reilly Report" on the Fox News Channel, then in its first year of operation. Until 2009 his television broadcast was complemented by "The Radio Factor," which was carried by over 400 radio stations. He writes a weekly column that is syndicated by newspapers nationwide.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Alex Jones Fires Back At Bill O'Reilly calling him 'Coward, Punk, Rat Bastard'
5/30/13 - When Bill O'Reilly put Alex Jones' face next to the words "HATE SPEECH" in the opening of his show last night, he had to be expecting an impassioned response from the radio host. Jones did not disappoint today, calling O'Reilly a "bully punk" and challenging him to a pay-per-view boxing match. "I'd like to get in a boxing ring with Bill O'Reilly," Jones said, after accusing him of taking his words out of context on his show Wednesday night. "I challenge you to a pay-per-view boxing match. You think you're so tough?" Jones accused O'Reilly of trying to intimidate his guests by turning their microphones off and pointing his finger in their faces. "You big, fat bully!" he exclaimed.
"You're scared to have me on your show," Jones said, predicting that if he was a guest, O'Reilly would draw 10 million viewers. "You're jealous. Your radio show failed, you're a failure." Jones insisted that he represents the "independent" "wave of the future" while O'Reilly is stuck in the past. Increasing his intensity and volume, Jones screamed, "you want to start a fight with me, punk? Huh? You think you can shove me around? You're a coward, punk, rat bastard!"
Jones then brought Rachel Maddow, who has also recently gone after Jones on the air, into his rant, equating the MSNBC host with O'Reilly in way she probably never anticipated.
"I've had enough of these cowards, up there--both of these guys--Rachel Maddow and him. I'm sick of them! I'm tired of them! They don't have the will to actually debate me. Come on my show punk!"
While it's highly unlikely that either O'Reilly or Maddow will be appearing on Alex Jones' radio show any time soon, we can look forward to seeing if and how O'Reilly responds to this tirade tonight.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Bill O'Reilly : Obama as Being a Power Mad Control Freak - Laura Ingraham Radio Show
5/20/13 - Bill O'Reilly is definitely not a psychiatrist, but that didn't stop him from offering up his own diagnosis of President Obama's "control" issues on Laura Ingraham's radio show Monday. According to O'Reilly, growing up without a father in the house has led directly to Obama's desire to "control his environment" in the White House. O'Reilly told Ingraham that "control" is a "hallmark of Barack Obama's personality." He mused, "I don't want to be a psychiatrist here, but when you're a kid raised in a real turbulent situation... no authoratative figure, no father, all of that, when you get to be an adult, the chances are you're going to want to control your environment." The Fox host conceded that "every president" wants "control" and "loyalty" to some degree, but with Obama is goes a step further, saying it rises to the level of "absolute power." And "most of his acolytes give him that," O'Reilly said, "they just bow down to Barack Obama." He suggested that the only people capable of telling the president he's "wrong" are First Lady Michelle Obama and adviser Valerie Jarrett. O'Reilly suggested that all of this explains why the administration goes after leaks so aggressively. While he doesn't think someone like, say, Ronald Reagan would have cared much about going after whistle-blowers, "it's a big thing for Obama."
Friday, April 5, 2013
Bill O'Reilly ~ ObamaCare is Killing The Economy
Bill O'Reilly Goes Off On ObamaCare 'Chaos'- It's Killing The Economy
4/5/13 - Bill O'Reilly was fired up tonight by the effect of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare, which we've basically accepted it as by now) on the national economy. O'Reilly laid out exactly what the consequences are of the health care law, and highlighted a new fact about it: in order to help people understand the law, the Department of Health and Human Services is pushing a new proposal for states to hire "navigators" to help explain it to people. O'Reilly confronted his guest, DEMOS' David Callahan, over how the government is finding yet another way to waste taxpayer dollars. O'Reilly suggested that the "main culprit" for the dismal jobs numbers out today "could be" ObamaCare, citing how businesses are now required to pay more in employee health care costs, and are therefore "not hiring as many people." He said there has been "chaos" as a result of two-thirds of all states being unable to meet ObamaCare requirements. But what really set O'Reilly off was the Department of Health and Human Services possibly ordering the states to hire "hundreds of thousands" of these so-called health care "navigators." O'Reilly found this unbelievable, saying "there's no objective way to measure advice" and questioning exactly how much taxpayer money these people will get for giving people advice. O'Reilly told Callahan that he is not an "ObamaCare hater," but found it hard to see anything positive amidst all these negative consequences. Callahan immediately rebutted the claim that ObamaCare has hurt job growth, and when O'Reilly brought up statistics from the Chamber of Commerce, Callahan said they never really liked the law anyway. On the health care "navigators," Callahan argued that it is based on existing programs helping seniors deal with Medicare. O'Reilly argued that unlike in the very clear business of TV ratings, there is no objective way to measure the success of advice-givers. He admitted that if he were to hire a navigator for one of his small businesses, he would pay them out-of-pocket and not let taxpayers foot the bill.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Bill O'Reilly: America becoming Chaotic, If Romney Were President 'We Wouldn't Be In This Mess'
3/4/13 - In his first television interview since losing the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday how much it "kills" him not to be in the White House, "doing what needs to be done" during Washington's fight over the sequester. Judging from his Talking Points Memo segment Monday night, it's also killing Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly began by comparing President Obama's leadership on the sequester to that of Abraham Lincoln, arguing that Lincoln would never have let the sequester happen. But he then turned his attention to the president's most recent political rival, saying, "If Mitt Romney had defeated President Obama, we wouldn't be in this mess." As evidence, he showed a clip from Romney's Fox interview. Romney was incredulous in his interview Sunday about the president's seeming inflexibility on the spending cuts, indicating that perhaps it was more important for Obama to "show pain" and blame it on Republicans than to actually solve the budget issues. O'Reilly wholeheartedly agreed with Romney, saying all the president cares about it "raising taxes" and "redistributing income," "everything else be damned." He also argued that the media is defending Obama's position, pointing to House Speaker John Boehner's interview with David Gregory on Meet The Press Sunday. But O'Reilly didn't put much more faith in Boehner or his Democratic counterpart Senator Harry Reid. He evidently sees a leader-less Washington that desperately needs the guiding hand of Mitt Romney to step in and fix everything. While no one is applauding Congress or the president for handling the sequester issue perfectly, isn't it far too easy for an outsider like Romney who has no more political stakes left in the fight to claim he has all of the answers?
Friday, February 1, 2013
Bill O'Reilly ~ Senator Bob Menendez In Big Trouble
Bill O'Reilly examines the shocking accusations New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is facing. The accusations include undisclosed trips to the Dominican Republic on a donors private jet and hiring under aged prostitutes. Senator Menendez has denied the accusations.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Bill O'Reilly : America to Collapse in 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Bill O'Reilly Confronts Colin Powell in Interview on Obama and GOP's Racial Politics - 1/29/13
1/29/13 - General Colin Powell has been very critical of the Republican party in recent years, and tonight he appeared on Bill O'Reilly's show to defend his criticisms of the GOP. O'Reilly grilled Powell on why he continues to support President Obama despite the bad economic numbers and made him defend his claim that the Republican party has a problem with minorities. O'Reilly also brought up a criticism that Powell is just bitter with the party because they made him look bad following his 2003 speech before the United Nations on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Powell explained to O'Reilly that he was put off in 2008 and 2012 by the economic plans proposed by the Republican campaigns. He cited his long history of voting for Republicans and working for Republican presidents to assure O'Reilly of his credentials, before saying that he is "troubled" by the rightward shift of the party and decided Obama was the "best choice" for the presidency. O'Reilly pointed out that the economy under Obama has not been particularly kind to African-Americans. Powell said that overall the economy has improved, though he acknowledged it was not enough. He criticized the Republican party for not recognizing "fundamental demographic changes" happening in the country, suggesting that if they want to endear themselves to minorities, they cannot keep pushing for immigration and voter ID laws that adversely affect minority groups. O'Reilly pushed Powell on that last point, asking him what objection he has to voter identification. Powell said he opposes "additional levels" of ID that would disenfranchise many people, while disputing the idea that voter fraud is a widespread problem. In the second part of the interview, O'Reilly more directly took on Powell over his claim that parts of the Republican party "still look down on minorities." O'Reilly highlighted Powell's criticisms of John Sununu and Sarah Palin for, respectively, calling Obama "lazy" and criticizing his "shuck and jive" on Benghazi. Powell clarified that he does not believe Sununu and Palin and racists, but said they used language in a context that would seem racially charged to minorities, calling their remarks two examples of a more widespread "vein of intolerance" in the party. O'Reilly wrapped the interview by asking Powell a "rude question": there is some talk amongst Republicans that Powell just resents the GOP because they "made you look bad" following his testimony on WMDs in Iraq. Powell dismissed it as "a bunch of nonsense."
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Bill O'Reilly on Hillary Benghazi Testimony: If Any Politician Should Be Advertising Teflon, It's Her
Bill O'Reilly was not happy with how little Hillary Clinton provided to the respective House and Senate committees during her testimony on last September's attack in Benghazi, Libya. O'Reilly said the fact that Clinton remains popular in spite of the controversy shows that she is one of the rare politicians in Washington capable of deflecting criticism, commenting that she would be an ideal spokesperson for Teflon. O'Reilly said that overall, the questioning was soft, but pointed to some "intense moments" between Clinton and Republican members of Congress. In response to Clinton asking "what difference... does it make" why four Americans died in Benghazi, O'Reilly shot back, "it makes a huge difference!" He pointed out how late ambassador Christopher Stevens had requested the State Department for more security. O'Reilly also found it striking that "not one Democrat asked Mrs. Clinton a tough question," saying such softball conduct on their part was "appalling." However, in spite of the controversy, the majority of the country gives Clinton high marks for her post as secretary of state. O'Reilly framed this as Americans not holding Clinton accountable. O'Reilly predicted that Clinton would be a "formidable" candidate in 2016 if she runs, pointing to how frequently she "dodged bullets" during her husband's presidency. He said that if any politician should be advertising Teflon, it should be Clinton.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Dennis Kucinich Makes Fox News Debut With Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly: Warning to Americans ~ America projected to Collapse. (2013)
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