Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Donald Trump comical interview (19July13)

If you meet Donald Trump don't shake his hand, you might catch something... if you cross him like Snowden, then he'll want you killed, and if you're China YOU'RE screwing the US economy, not the US screwing itself into it's eventual "Depression #2".

Recorded from Channel 4 News, 19 July 2013.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Donald Trump on Bill O'Reilly Interview, Talks Economy, China and Obamacare - July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013 - Bill O'Reilly Interviews Donald Trump on Economy, China, and Obamacare

Trump would be a hell of a lot better president then Obama, at least he is willing to do what needs to be done instead of creating some BS healthcare system .He's a businessman, he knows how to make deals, he will get tough on China (even if he has ties made in China in which I don't think he knew or maybe he thought we're a screwed country so why not just sell them to stupid people who will only buy them anyway), I don't believe what they say about his net worth (in which they say isn't worth much). Trump has a big fat heart inside I believe it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Donald Trump: Zimmerman 'Not Going To Heaven Very Quickly'

Donald Trump : I Don't Disagree With Verdict But George Zimmerman 'Not Going To Heaven Very Quickly'

7/15/13 - How did we make it a whole thirty-four hours without hearing what Donald Trump thinks about the George Zimmerman verdict? Trump called in to Fox And Friends Monday morning, telling the trio of hosts that he thought Zimmerman was "no angel" and that he should high-tail it out of Florida, but that he also agreed with the verdict and questioned whether the case ever should have been brought given Florida's tough self-defense statutes. "Zimmerman is no angel," Trump said. "I didn't like the fact that Zimmerman was told to stay in his truck, don't move, and he went out and he certainly moved. But he's no angel, we know that, this is not a guy who doesn't deserve certain blame." Gretchen Carlson said it sounded as if Trump doubted the jury's acquittal. "I don't disagree with the verdict," Trump said. "I just don't think that Zimmerman is necessarily somebody who is going to heaven very quickly." "The trial perhaps should not have been brought," Trump said. "A lot of people thought at the beginning of the trial it was so strong that the case never should have been brought. The law is so strong that the jury had to really make that decision." "The law is the law," Trump averred. "The jury has ruled. The six jurors were under tremendous pressure. I will tell you, the six jurors were under tremendous pressure. I thought they may do something different just because of that pressure...I actually thought there's a possibility they may convict on manslaughter, they convict on the lesser ground, just on the basis of the potential dangers to their lives." Carlson asked what advice Trump had for Zimmerman as the "master of getting noticed," as O.J. Simpson lawyer Alan Dershowitz was recommending that Zimmerman make himself scarce. "It's good for everybody if he disappears," Trump said. "This has been really a traumatic verdict for the country. And actually hasn't been as bad as a lot of people thought it would be. Now, we're just beginning, let's see what happens. But he should disappear, for his own sake, and for the country's sake."

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Trump Video Banned at the RNC Finally Released

Donald Trump has finally released the full version of his (sort of) anticipated Obama parody video, which was intended to be shown at the Republican National Convention in August, but was ultimately canned by party leaders.

Trump made the video, which his political operatives (who provided the video to Breitbart News) say cost $100,000 to produce, for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. It was supposed to air at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa last August. Unexpected bad weather threw the convention off schedule, and the Romney campaign never ended up publishing it, though a clip leaked to NBC News’ Today Show in September. Trump allies say Romney’s top political adviser Stuart Stevens and his partner at political consulting group SSG-DC Russ Schriefer made the decision to axe the video.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Donald Trump wants Edward Snowden Executed !!

Donald Trump Attacks 'Terrible' Edward Snowden On Fox: 'There Is Still A Thing Called Execution'

June 24, 2013 - Donald Trump made his Monday morning call to Fox & Friends, this time to remind us that, in the good old days, spies used to be executed. The ordeal surrounding NSA leaker Edward Snowden is embarrassing and illustrates that we've become a "very different nation," he asserted. (With a requisite quip about how President Obama's own records haven't been leaked.)

Repeatedly, Trump told viewers that Snowden is simply a "terribly guy" — and our inability to get him back shows how weak the U.S. has been.

"Spies in the old days used to be executed," Trump noted. "Now nobody knows where he is. But we have to get him back, and we have to get him back fast. They're talking about it could take years, it could take months, but maybe years. That would be pathetic."

Meanwhile, Russia's likely getting tons of information out of him, he argued. Eventually Trump circled back to a point he made at the beginning of the segment.

"This guy is a bad guy," he reasserted. "And you know, there is still a thing called execution. You have to take a strong hand. You have thousands of people with access to the kind of material like this. We're not going to have a country any longer."

Welp: not going to have a country any longer.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Donald Trump on 2016 Presidency: People 'Desperate' for Leadership, It's Me or Somebody

USAToday. The New York Post story over the holiday weekend had an eye-catching headline: "Trump Researching 2016 Run."

No, Donald Trump has not made a decision about a White House bid. Yes, he spent more than $1 million for research on what it would take to run for president. But the document was compiled in 2011, when Trump was seriously considering a 2012 challenge to President Obama.

Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump, said Wednesday the research document "remains relevant for 2016" if the real estate mogul decides to run for president.

Trump's speech May 21 to the Oakland County (Michigan) Republican Party got the ball rolling. He told attendees at that Lincoln Day dinner that he is frequently encouraged to run for president and wished Obama was doing a better job.

Trump is set to make more speeches that could spark political chatter, including at a Faith & Freedom Coalition event June 14 in Washington. This year, he addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference — a gathering of activists that included Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., among its speakers.

Trump gets these invitations because he "provides straightforward, no-nonsense solutions to fixing problems in this country," Cohen said.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Donald Trump on Barbara Walters, Benghazi Gate, Media and IRS - 5/13/13

May 13, 2013 - Donald Trump Weighs On Barbara Walters, Benghazi Gate & IRS - Love America? Get Audited!

The US hires Libyans to protect US assets. Libyans are also Al-Qaeda operatives who may or may not be enemies of the US depending on who you talk to. Now CHINA calls in their chips for a shit pot load of junk US bonds Purchased against a falling US dollar. Keep in mind that China has a stake in Libyan oil by the way. Now the US has to pay the rent…. Al-Qaeda / Libyans ( paid by uncle sam )attack US asset in Libya knowing full well that protection levels are bare bones and are assured resistance will be small. Goal you ask? Destroy any and all documentation of existing oil contracts currently stored at US asset. US causalities are collateral damage and cannot be explained since nobody was supposed to be home. Two weeks pass before FBI investigation, plenty of time to clean house. Meanwhile… China swoops in and lays claim to oil while forgiving US bond debt. China has a sudden and dramatic influx in Libyan oil and US markets start to rise on the now forgiven bonds. Why the coverup Because having the US play mercenary for China would not go over well with the general population…… But it’s only a theory Could happen though

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Donald Trump to CPAC 2013 : America in Serious Trouble

Donald Trump addressed this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, where he fired off on a variety of subjects.

Here are the keypoints of Donald Trump's speech :
1. "Build a great economy."
"We don't have a great economy right now. China has, other people have, other countries have... we don't make things anymore... We have to make America strong again and make America great again."

2. Immigration reform is a "suicide mission."
"Now this is a hard one, because when it comes to immigration you know that the 11 million illegals, even if they're given the right to vote...the fact is, 11 million people will be voting Democratic. You have to be very, very careful because you could say that, to a certain extent, the odds aren't looking so great for the Republicans, that you're on a suicide mission, that you're just not going to get those votes."

3. When I offer to build "the most beautiful ballroom there is in the country," take me up on it.
"A couple of years ago I saw a major, major state dinner. And it was in a tent on the White House lawn... I called up the White House, someone I know very well, very high position, and I said, look, 'I will offer, free of charge, to build the most beautiful ballroom there is in the country, anywhere.' ...They said, 'thank you very much, wow, what an offer.' We never heard from them. That's the problem with the country.

4. Stop calling yourselves the "stupid party."
"What a horrible statement to make. Because that's the statement that's going to come back and haunt you when the Democrats start using it."

5. Don't take Karl Rove's money.
"When you watch someone who spends $400 million on campaigns with perhaps the worst ads I've ever seen — they did ads on Obama I thought were being paid for by the Obama campaign... When you spend $400 million and it's a failure and you don't have one victory, you know something is seriously, seriously wrong."

6. Spend more time talking about how rich you are.
"I've made over $8 billion. I've employed tens of thousands of people. And yet I'm continually criticized by total light weights all over the place. It's unbelievable. If Mitt Romney made one mistake, it's that he didn't talk enough about his success. Because honestly, people really want success. They want a leader who's successful."

7. Never go to war without "paying yourselves back" in oil.
"When I heard that we were first going to Iraq, some very smart people told me we're actually going for the oil, and I said, 'Alright, I get that, there's nothing else, I get it. We didn't take the oil. And then when I said, we spent $1.5 trillion, we should take that — you know, they have the second-largest oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia, so $1.5 trillion is nothing... we should take it and pay ourselves back... What the hell are we thinking?"

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Donald Trump ~ Fall of America & Fall of the dollar & Economic collapse

This economy needs to totally collapse already....let's just get it over with. I feel like i'm dying a slow painful death in slow motion. Our Country has been dancing with the Devil for many years now, and flirting with disaster. The time has come...the time is now. We need an all out collapse, so we can push the reset button & start over.


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