Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No Government is The Answer ~ Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is not an Anarchist. "Anarcho"-Capitalism is an oxymoron. True anarchism is anti-hierarchical and socialist - Like Anarchist Communism and Anarcho-Syndicalism - All of the original Anarchist philosophers - Mikhail Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Peter Kropotkin etc. - "Anarcho"-Capitalism is an entirely American phenomenon, a comparatively minor movement and a relatively recent one - One a majority of Anarchists believe is another example of Capitalism hijacking terms of the left.This system messed up society enough. CHANGE is needed completely from the ground up. Free energy is needed to be made available since it is suppressed on purpose. The Puppeteers couldn't hold control over the bottom of the pyramid people. They have everything to lose if things improve. SOLUTION? GET RID OF THE SYSTEM OF OPPRESSION!

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