Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Federal Reserve Is Not Currently Forecasting An Economic Collapse -- Episode 142
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Economic Collapse Blog : Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story
Yes the answer is to increase taxation especially of the rich. Hunt them down in the Cayman Islands. This will solve our problems. Get rid of the city and banking.
Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story explains and analyses in plain language the UK's large and ever growing national debt, possible bankruptcy, gigantic and inefficient public sector, and the Conservative-Liberal coalition government's half hearted attempt at trying to reduce the deficit.
Produced and directed by Martin Durkin, all rights reserved for the creators of the show, I do not own any of this material.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 139
In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people
Thursday, August 15, 2013
2013 Economic Collapse ~ DOLLAR COLLAPSE and END of the AMERICAN EMPIRE
Everyone is forgetting that the paper was the promise to pay the metal. The coins in circulation at the time were all made of 90% silver (I live in Germany). So, of course people who are known as being thrifty and big time savers would pick the metal (they knew) over the paper promise that was losing value daily. Today people don't even question what their coins are made of or why they are made to look like silver but are plated with nickel. Two different worlds and concepts.
17 Signs of America in Economic Collapse 8-15-13
yet the Fed and Wall Street stealing from you using the cops as armed robbers while they toy with the value of your paycheck , the money is manipulated by the Fed and Wall Street so even if making $10/hr it's only worth $6 and you have to give the govthugs a "cut" to earn it, a "cut" to spend it, and never truly own anything you purchase as they constantly CONSPIRE to take it from you with law or tax. It's all made up paper and subject to seizure. All the others that work the wheel in gerbil zombie toils don't care, they get up to whore themselves to the SCAM for another donut, shiny wheels, education to the slavery for their kids and grandkids, PROP UP THE CRIMINAL SYSTEM by voting in a pre-decided "collection" of theater called election, for insider selection. Geez, a country built on stealing the continent!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Financial Armageddon ~ Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 133
Economic Collapse ~ The Worse is Yet to Come
I've predicted disaster for the U.S. economy since the day of Obama's election in 2008. I've got it all memorialized, in writing, in two books and hundreds of commentaries. In Time magazine I called Obama "the greatest jobs killer in world history." In my latest national bestseller, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide" I've listed hundreds of statistics proving that the U.S. economy is headed for a total collapse. But that was all written months ago. The worst was yet to come.
The results are in. The picture is grim. Here are some frightening economic numbers to think about the next time the lying, manipulating, mainstream media tells you that we are in "recovery."
Friday, August 9, 2013
Global Economic Collapse 2013 , China Meltdown, EU Crisis
Definition of the word economy: "Careful management of available resources." The monetary system we have today actually promotes artificial scarcity via banks, big corporations, and powerful people. Because of that artificial scarcity, there will always be people left out in this socio-economic system. And based on that, the system we have is NOT an economy, a resource based economy is.
Monday, August 5, 2013
ECONOMIC COLLAPSE ~ Collapse (Full documentary)
Collapse, directed by Chris Smith, is an American documentary film exploring the theories, writings and life story of controversial author Michael Ruppert. Collapse premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2009 to positive reviews.
Ruppert, a former Los Angeles police officer who describes himself as an investigative reporter and radical thinker, has authored books on the events of the September 11 attacks and of energy issues. Critics[who?] call him a conspiracy theorist and an alarmist.
Director Smith interviewed Ruppert over the course of fourteen hours in an interrogation-like setting in an abandoned warehouse basement meat locker near downtown Los Angeles. Ruppert's interview was shot over five days throughout March and April 2009. The filmmakers distilled these interviews down to this 82 minute monologue with archival footage interspersed as illustration.
The title refers to Ruppert's belief that unsustainable energy and financial policies have led to an ongoing collapse of modern industrial civilization.
The film does not overtly take a perspective on the validity of Ruppert's positions[citation needed] and critics have alternatingly described the film as supportive and as critical of Ruppert's views. Smith himself, speaking at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere, said that "What I hoped to reveal was ... that his obsession with the collapse of industrial civilization has led to the collapse of his life. In the end, it is a character study about his obsession."[1]
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Current Economic Collapse News Brief
Friday, August 2, 2013
Economic Collapse ~ U.S. Government Preparing and Not in a Nice Way
The long-anticipated municipal bankruptcy of Detroit, which is burdened with an estimated $20 billion in debt filed for bankruptcy on July 18 -- I know this nation has been in decline and people are feeling it. It will go from bad to worse then to the worst imaginable. So hang on and prepare for survival. Shout-out to the good people of Detroit, Reno, Las Vegas, Riverside/San Bernardino, Stockton, Santa Ana, Modesto, Sacramento all in Cali, Miami, Birmingham, Atlanta, Tucson, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Toledo, St.Louis, Chicago, New York, Warren, Flint Michigan, and Poughkeepsie; all are mentioned in this report. BREAKING NEWS: Detroit files bankruptcy.. remember San Bernardino CA went bankrupt before this. The Federal gov't is basically virtually bankrupt also! Is another economic collapse such as the Great Depression of the 1930s coming to the USA? America is in for some hard times and it will be worse than the one 90 years ago. Where is the FDR and the New Deal of today? I dont see the politicians providing any solutions, they are just trying to keep whats theirs! WHat do they do for the People?
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Economic Collapse 2014 - Global Economic Crisis
Time to start our own economic situation...start growing your own food and bartering with one another. Some grow olives, others grow veges, others grow fruit and swap with one another each one contributing something to the community...start your own community markets without money, swapping professions for food swapping skills for food, swapping food for food...we could all survive if we loved our neighbour as ourselves!! Share, not hoard to be better than the other..greed has done!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Wake Up America: Homeland Security Preparing For 2nd Revolution/Economic Collapse
the CENTRAL BANKS are moving America closer to bankruptcy with each passing day. Obama is just a pawn taking his orders from the financial institutions that funded his election , the damage that is being done to the US economy (not to mention the rest of the world's economies), with reckless amounts of QE cannot go on forever? To illustrate - a 747 jet can run out of fuel at 35,000 feet, but will continue to fly for a while with no sign anything is wrong, but eventually - it will go down. That's exactly what's happening to the economy. It's going down, there's nothing that can be done now to stop it whatever the date.
Monday, July 29, 2013
US Economic Collapse 2014 Be Prepared!
"The elephant in the room is that the USA's toilet paper... er, Dollar - is still around only because OPEC and the WGC accept it as tender for commodities incl. oil The hyperinflation in the USA will be delayed until India, China, Iran and Russia are ready to dump their USA Govt. bonds i.e. treasury bonds."
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief
Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121
In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
Coming Economic Collapse United States 2014
Economic Collapse ~ US worst place to live
The greatest nation on earth (US politicians & media) exposed as among the worst in the West... on all life indicators, why China steams ahead, plans for Land of the Tax Free + the proud record the States share with Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. Seek truth from facts with Belle Isle: Detroit's Game Changer author Rod Lockwood, Chair of Chinese Intl. Affairs Barry Naughton, The Personality and Well-Being Lab Director Dr. Ryan Howell, Political Science Professor Joseph Cheng, and Fox host Bill O'Reilly.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Economic Collapse Is Like Preparing For A Natural Disaster
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are both involved in a precious metal manipulation. JP Morgan is closing down its physical commodity branch. The US Government is paying Syrian police to work with the US paid mercenaries, they are paying their salaries with the sequester hitting the American people. There have been multiple cyber attacks and there is a report that the infrastructure is very vulnerable. War is coming to cover the economic collapse, be prepared.
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Economic Collapse ~ It has already Hit the Fan in Small Town America
IT has already Hit the Fan - - Here's the Proof SHTF - Economic Collapse
US citizens living in small towns continue to suffer from the recession and rising unemployment. Most say that President Barack Obama has not offered any new proposals on how to reinvigorate the economy at the start of his second term. Obama has just given a speech in Galesburg, Illinois defending his policies. Patty Culhane reports from Galesburg.
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