Showing posts with label Rachel Maddow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachel Maddow. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones

6/5/13 - Rachel Maddow has taken to tearing apart conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and the ever-outraged right-wing response to recent events. On the flip side, Glenn Beck responded to her criticism, calling into question Maddow's "intellectual integrity" and rejecting the comparison to Jones, with whom he said he disagreed. The segment played an audio montage of some of Maddow's past remarks in which she invoked Beck and Jones and cited theories about the moon landing, 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The "Glenn Beck-Alex Jones view of the world."

"I don't believe any of those things," Beck said plainly — as the next montage played: Maddow's remarks interspersed with Beck's remarks, intended to refute Maddow's contention that Beck, too, believes those theories.

"We have debunked all of those things," he explained. "I've never been called a conspiracy theorist in my life. I've had death threats because I've debunked the [9/11 theories]."

Beck continued to press on about how he spent an entire show debunking the Newtown theories — and received death threats for that "from the Alex Jones people."

"To put us into this group is so ridiculous," he asserted, as the chyron read "Maddow's intellectual integrity questioned."

"In her effort to come up with one thing that you're a conspiracy theorist on, she came up with none!" Steve Burguiere argued. "All of the example were all things that you didn't believe and have been on the air saying you don't believe for for years. What does that say about their case? And what does that say about your case when say that media is painting you a certain way? She can't come up with one damn thing!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rachel Maddow Attacks Alex Jones and calls hin 'Crack Pot'

Rachel Maddow Attacks 'Crack Pot' Alex Jones' Oklahoma Tornado 'Weather Weapon' Conspiracy Theory

5/23/13 - Rachel Maddow closed out her Wednesday night show this week by taking on a familiar target: conspiracy theorist and founder of InfoWars Alex Jones. Maddow began by reviewing how some of his more "out there" theories have started to penetrate the halls of Congress before moving on to the latest tragedy he has attempted to exploit: the Oklahoma tornado.

Maddow pointed out that Jones' campaign to stoke fear about the government buying up too many bullets led directly to a bill proposal from Republicans in the House and Senate that would limit the amount of ammunition the Department of Homeland Security could obtain. She called the idea that we should be concerned about bullets when the federal government has armed tanks and drones is "so crazy, so out-there, that even the National Rifle Association wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot rifle."

Pointing to Jones' attempts to prove that everything from the Newtown shooting to the Boston bombing to 9/11 were staged by the government, Maddow said the InfoWars world sees conspiracy in "every tragedy." So is it really that much of a surprise that they now conspiracy in the Oklahoma tornado?

Maddow played a clip of Jones saying of Monday's tornado, "I don't know if this was a weather weapon or not," suggesting that the government has the ability "create and steer groups of tornadoes."

"Alex Jones should be disqualified from participating in Republican Party politics," Maddow said. "He crack pot theories shouldn't prompt hearings in Congress and inspire actual legislation." She urged Republicans to stop taking Jones seriously and stop appearing on his radio show. "Can we agree that it's over now, Republicans?"

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rachel Maddow Reveals More Scandalous Details About IRS Tea Party Targeting

5/16/13 - Rachel Maddow tonight highlighted another potential problem in the growing IRS targeting scandal plaguing the Obama administration this week. The tax-collecting agency provided private tax information about several conservative groups, including ones whose applications had not been fully processed yet, to the website ProPublica. Maddow said that strictly speaking, this was illegal, and will only make things worse for the IRS.

Maddow claimed that the Tea Party now suddently "wants to be back on the wings of the IRS scandal," and said that things are awkward politically because essentially everyone else agrees with them on this scandal. She acknowledged the "improper scrutiny" being given to conservatives groups that seemingly eluded their liberal counterparts.

Maddow highlighted how the same IRS Cincinatti office involved in the targeting scandal released documents to ProPublica for the site's series of posts on groups misleading the IRS about their political activities. Documents were provided for a number of conservative groups, even from nine that were not approved yet by the IRS, which is technically illegal because "it's supposed to be secret" if an application has not been approved.

When ProPublica attempted to find out why exactly they were given the documents, Maddow said the IRS's response was basically "We shouldn't have done that!" She admitted that the agency "screwed up here" and could end up making its level of scrutiny worse after this week.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rachel Maddow attacks Alex Jones Glenn Beck & Ron Paul - April 26, 2013

Rachel Maddow brought up the false flag, government destruction theories being pushed by InfoWars and its star figure, Alex Jones. You remember Alex Jones, the crazy guy who went ballistic on Piers Morgan? Well, he's been out in full force again, but this time it's coupled with an endorsement by none other than Matt Drudge. Rachel Maddow Alex Jones Infowars Epic Rant Part 2 goes after infowars,alex jones,glenn beck, ron paul

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