Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

Glenn Beck attacks Oprah Winfrey: YOU DISGUST ME! - 8/16/13

August 16, 2013 - Glenn Beck attacks Oprah Winfrey as he likens himself to the Statue of Liberty.Glenn Beck Lectures Oprah Winfrey: YOU DISGUST ME! - 8/16/13
Glenn Beck is just about the last person that needs to be weighing in on race relations or the history of the Civil Rights movement.

Glenn Edward Lee Beck is a politically conservative American television and radio host, political commentator, author, television network producer, media personality, and entrepreneur. Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Glenn Beck : Something Is Happening

Glenn Beck Very Encouraged by Viral Ashton Kutcher Speech: 'Something Is Happening'

8/14/13 - "Something's happening. Something is happening. And it is good. Have faith." That's how Glenn Beck responded to Ashton Kutcher's heartfelt speech on hard work and generosity at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday that has absolutely taken the Internet by storm. After playing the speech on radio, Beck explained why it gave him so much hope.
"What he is saying here is the Glenn Beck Very Encouraged by Viral Ashton Kutcher Speech: 'Something Is Happening' position..." Beck said firmly. "How do we not agree? How is it that the people in the camp of Ashton Kutcher think that I'm the anti-Christ, and so many of us think he's the anti-Christ?"

"Because they don't listen," Beck's co-host Pat Gray said.

Beck said that it is crucial to understand the difference between liberal — which originally meant small government — and progressive. Progressives want "to control other people's lives," and liberals don't, he said.

"We can join on many things on compassion," Beck said. "We can join on Darfur. We can join on, let's help the poor. Now we may not agree on all of the programs — unless, unless you are not a progressive — you are a small government person and saying, 'Let's find the capitalist ways.'"

"Let's find the companies out there that want to take this on as a problem," Beck elaborated. Let's go find the people...Let's go find the churches...Not through government policies. Not through handouts. Not through redistribution of wealth. Let's go help!"

"You'll get everybody on board," Beck asserted, "because we're not that far apart."

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Glenn Beck Explodes! Total Chaos Coming! Lynchings in Street of America! Like You've NEVER Seen!

8/8/13 - Glenn Beck unleashes a furious tirade over the state of the world and warns that wholesale
Glenn Beck
chaos is looming, where we will see lynchings in the streets of America.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Glenn Beck : US And Russia Are On The Verge Of World War III

8/5/13 - Glenn Beck says that he'll be mocked for saying it, but predicts that by next year, everyone will realize that the world will be fighting World War III

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Glenn Beck : We Are On The Verge Of Taking Over The Republican Party

August 1, 2013 - Glenn Beck encourages his Tea Party audience to remain active because they are on the verge of totally taking over the GOP.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Glenn Beck on The Dollar Bill Conspiracy Theory

The dollar is rife with numerology and symbolism! ,yes the 13 little stars , it's all symbolism to the 13 colonies. Also on the pyramid if you count the levels there are 13 levels, and on the base are the roman numerals "MDCCLXXVI" which translate to 1776. Also if you take a look at the actual Eagle, he's looking towards the Left, to where the Olive Branch is. Though he always has the arrows in the other talon just in case, he looks towards peace always. The Left Wing is also usually classified as the Democratic side. This was what our ancestors aimed for in our country.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Glenn Beck: September 30, 2013 - The Day The Constitution Dies and Obama Becomes a Dictator

Glenn Beck: September 30, 2013 - The Day The Constitution Dies and Obama Becomes a Dictator

7/25/13 - Glenn Beck says that if health care reform is not defunded by September 30, 2013, then the Constitution will be dead and President Obama will be a dictator.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Glenn Beck Attacks Mos Def Force-Feeding Video, Calls Obama 'A Ridiculous Piece Of Garbage'

July 9, 2013 - Glenn Beck today couldn't help but laugh at rapper Mos Def (now Yasiin Bey) for subjecting himself to force-feeding in order to show his solidarity for the people subjected to similar punishment in Guantanamo Bay. Beck mocked the whole idea of sympathizing with people who are being given food in order to remain alive, and especially with prisoners in Gitmo. Beck also took some time to hit Obama on this issue, calling him a "ridiculous piece of garbage."

One of Beck's co-hosts mocked people criticizing force-feeding, saying, "What kind of nation are we, where we would make people have nutrition?! Where we would feed them to prevent them from starving to death!" Beck noted that the force-feeding is in response to prisoner hunger strikes, and it's being condemned by human rights groups.

Beck admitted he has no problem with shooting the prisoners or just letting them starve on their own, but called out President Obama for hedging on this issue, calling him "such a ridiculous piece of garbage at times." He said that a hunger strike will not make Americans more sympathetic and that it doesn't really matter much if they starve.

"It's not a humane way to kill someone, but we're not killing them. They are. If they want to go see their sweet, sweet Allah, I'm happy to introduce the two."

Glenn Beck: "We Are In So Much Trouble ... The Darkness Is Astounding"

July 9, 2013 - Glenn Beck is outraged that President Obama's Twitter account was following a porn company.

We had our chance Glenn Beck....remember 2007 when YOU supported the bankster bailouts when everyone was screaming 'REVOLT NOW OR NEVER' and YOU squashed it and said we need to bail out the banks? You don't have any place to lecture anyone about anything Glenn Beck you phony ultra conservative degenerate drunken junkie.
Glenn Beck

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

GLENN BECK Explains Why Egypt's Revolution 'Failed' ...During Food Insurance Promo

7/3/2013 - Glenn Beck may have been a bit premature in labeling Egypt's revolution a "failure." Wednesday morning on his radio show, before the Egyptian military successfully ousted President Muhammed Morsi, Beck somehow managed to turn an on-air advertisement for emergency food supply company Food Insurance into a treatise on how the Egyptian revolution will never have the same success as the American one.

While espousing the virtue of "preparation" in relation to Food Insurance, Beck declared, seemingly out of nowhere, "that's why Egypt failed and America won. That's why revolutions usually fail."

As Beck explained, "you have a bunch of people who are willing to smoke dope, live out in a park and have sex in a tent with everybody they meet." He contrasted those types of revolutionaries with the Founding Fathers, who were willing to "sit in a room for years and study and try to figure out: 'What does freedom mean and how do we make people free?'"

"So very few people do preparation, and that's why there's failure. You can cut corners, but you can only get away with it for so long." With that, he finished reading his ad copy.

Monday, July 1, 2013

GLENN BECK blasts Rachel Jeantel and the anti-white racism of her, Trayvon Martin and their culture

7/1/13 edition of "The Glenn Beck Program" : Glenn Beck blasts Rachel Jeantel and the anti-white racism of her, Trayvon Martin and their culture
"She should be demonized just as much as Paula Deen." ... From the 6/28/13 edition of "The Glenn Beck Program"

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Glenn Beck : Obama should go to Jail

Glen Beck: President Obama Should Go To Jail.
 Tea Party Patriots rally, Capitol Hill, 6/19/13

Asolutely. 100%. Go to prison at a MINIMUM along with practically his whole administration, many Justices, and a large percentage of Dems and Reps, as well as people holding offices in federal organizations like the Federal Reserve, the IRS, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, etc, etc, etc. But should and would are near polar opposites in this morally ambiguous nation. In fact, morally ambiguous is too weak of a description. Intentionally corrupt; they lick their lips as this country falls.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Glenn Beck Explains Why World War III Could Be on the Horizon

World War 3 - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Program - 2013.06.04 : In World War 3, what are the three groups that Glenn believes will be vying for control? The Caliphate, The Controllers, and the Survivors.

Unfortunately he is as right, and it doesnt take a genius to realize that the middle east plays an intricate part in todays economy. The world has become so heavily reliant on them it would mean diaster if they decided to shut out the world from their rich oil spoils and resources. A newer cleaner source of energy is the solutions, but we all know they arent going to let that happen, too many billions at stake.

Glenn Beck - Audit the IRS Rally

Glenn Beck gives a stirring speech to thousands of Tea Party Patriots at the Audit the IRS Rally on June 19th in Washington, DC. This is the official streaming video feed recording of the entire speech.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Glenn Beck: The Tea Party Is The New Civil Rights Movement

6/20/13 - Glenn Beck explains that the Tea Party is the modern-day civil rights movement ... and they'll soon have the dogs unleashed on them.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Glenn Beck : Audit The IRS Rally Speech

From TheBlazeTV: Highlights of Glenn Beck's speech at the Tea Party's Audit The IRS Rally at the U.S. Capitol on June 19th, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Glenn Beck Arriving in NYC Searching for Big Breaking New Secret...That Will Change History

6/13/13 - Glenn Beck Arriving in NYC Searching for Big Breaking New Secret...That Will Change History . Glenn Beck Arriving in NYC Searching for Big Breaking New Secret...That Will Change History

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glenn Beck Fires Back At Rachel Maddow Linking Him To Alex Jones

6/5/13 - Rachel Maddow has taken to tearing apart conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and the ever-outraged right-wing response to recent events. On the flip side, Glenn Beck responded to her criticism, calling into question Maddow's "intellectual integrity" and rejecting the comparison to Jones, with whom he said he disagreed. The segment played an audio montage of some of Maddow's past remarks in which she invoked Beck and Jones and cited theories about the moon landing, 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The "Glenn Beck-Alex Jones view of the world."

"I don't believe any of those things," Beck said plainly — as the next montage played: Maddow's remarks interspersed with Beck's remarks, intended to refute Maddow's contention that Beck, too, believes those theories.

"We have debunked all of those things," he explained. "I've never been called a conspiracy theorist in my life. I've had death threats because I've debunked the [9/11 theories]."

Beck continued to press on about how he spent an entire show debunking the Newtown theories — and received death threats for that "from the Alex Jones people."

"To put us into this group is so ridiculous," he asserted, as the chyron read "Maddow's intellectual integrity questioned."

"In her effort to come up with one thing that you're a conspiracy theorist on, she came up with none!" Steve Burguiere argued. "All of the example were all things that you didn't believe and have been on the air saying you don't believe for for years. What does that say about their case? And what does that say about your case when say that media is painting you a certain way? She can't come up with one damn thing!"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

IRS Gives Laughable Defense - Glenn Beck

IRS Gives Laughable Defense - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Radio Program - 2013.05.17

The radio show listens to the IRS hearings.

This week, we learned that the Obama Justice Department seized two months of records of at least 20 phone lines used by Associated Press reporters. These include phone lines in the AP’s New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn offices as well as the main AP number in the House of Representatives press gallery, the private phones and cell phones belonging to AP reporters and a fax line in one AP office. In many ways, this is the most blatant act of media information..

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glenn Beck NRA Speech 2013 Convention - May 4, 2013

Glenn Beck NRA Speech 2013 Convention - May 4, 2013

glenn beck nra. There has never been a more important time to "stand and fight" for the Second Amendment, a fired-up Glenn Beck said live from the annual NRA convention in Houston on Thursday. TheBlaze TV broadcasted Thursday's edition of The Glenn Beck Program from the George R. Brown Convention Center before an audience of hundreds.

"If progressives cannot defeat the Second Amendment nationally and do it on the up-and-up, they'll do what they always do — go through the back door, and they're doing it now state by state. Now is the time to stand," Beck said to thunderous applause.

Beck also teased part of his highly anticipated keynote speech, scheduled for Saturday at the NRA convention. Standing in front a table covered with firearms, he said the guns "tell the American story" unlike anything else — but he also informed his audience they would have to wait for his speech to hear the full story. This author has heard some of the unbelievable stories behind the antique guns and can confirm that Beck's NRA speech is one you don't want to miss.
Glenn Beck Rallies Gun Rights Supporters at NRA Conference

(TheBlaze TV)

"That's what makes the NRA so great," he said. "There is no difference between the high roller and the people who have counted their pennies and come here...That's what makes the NRA a powerful presence in politics and everything else, not because they have the rich and powerful but because they also have the poor and powerless as well."

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