Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Ron Paul supports whistleblowers
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Ron Paul Channel Program starts today on CNN
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Alex Jones Show: Ron Paul & Daniel Bongino - Tuesday (8-6-13)
On the Tuesday, August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Time Magazine's push for couples to lead "childless lifestyles," the CPS abduction of a Texas girl that led to her death and FEMA's startling preparations for disaster - involving unexplained demands for emergency bulk food deliveries. On today's show, Alex welcomes former Congressman, three-time presidential contender and bestselling author Ron Paul to discuss the military's drone strikes in Yemen and America's visibly apparent compliance to the all-encompassing NSA spy grid. We'll also speak with former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongino about the revolving White House scandals, including the recent overseas terror threat alerts and fallout from the bungled Benghazi coverup of weapons transfers to Al-Qaeda. Bongino is also running for election in Maryland's 6th Congressional District. Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs also joins us to respond to new revelations in the Michael Hastings saga as the late journalist's wife makes an appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan.
Ron Paul with Alex Jones 8-6-2013 ~ Turn Off Your TV. Turn On The Truth.
Ron Paul On the Tuesday, August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Time Magazine's push for couples to lead "childless lifestyles," the CPS abduction of a Texas girl that led to her death and FEMA's startling preparations for disaster - involving unexplained demands for emergency bulk food deliveries. On today's show, Alex welcomes former Congressman, three-time presidential contender and bestselling author Ron Paul to discuss the military's drone strikes in Yemen and America's visibly apparent compliance to the all-encompassing NSA spy grid. We'll also speak with former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongino about the revolving White House scandals, including the recent overseas terror threat alerts and fallout from the bungled Benghazi coverup of weapons transfers to Al-Qaeda. Bongino is also running for election in Maryland's 6th Congressional District. Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs also joins us to respond to new revelations in the Michael Hastings saga as the late journalist's wife makes an appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Ron Paul "I am FOR Gun Control! I Wanna Take The Guns From These Bureaucrats Enforcing Federal Laws!"
Gun control for the bureaucrats. Love it.
It's amazing this guy filled arena's and his competition filled voting urns , yet he still lost many primaries in which we heard later he actually won.Fraud ,fraud and more fraud to get what the 'establishment' has pushed as an agenda for years. President's are selected not elected.Peace.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 7/29/13: A House Divided Over NSA Spying on Americans
A House Divided Over NSA Spying on Americans
by Ron Paul
Last week's House debate on the Defense Appropriations bill for 2014 produced a bit more drama than usual. After hearing that House leadership would do away with the traditional "open rule" allowing for debate on any funding limitation amendment, it was surprising to see that Rep. Justin Amash's (R-MI) amendment was allowed on the Floor. In the wake of National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about the extent of US government spying on American citizens, Amash's amendment sought to remove funding in the bill for some of the NSA programs.
Had Amash's amendment passed, it would have been a significant symbolic victory over the administration's massive violations of our Fourth Amendment protections. But we should be careful about believing that even if it had somehow miraculously survived the Senate vote and the President's veto, it would have resulted in any significant change in how the Intelligence Community would behave toward Americans. The US government has built the largest and most sophisticated spying apparatus in the history of the world.
The NSA has been massively increasing the size its facilities, both at its Maryland headquarters and in its newly built (and way over-budget) enormous data center in Utah. Taken together, these two facilities will be seven times larger than the Pentagon! And we know now that much of the NSA's capacity to intercept information has been turned inward, to spy on us.
As NSA expert James Bamford wrote earlier this year about the new Utah facility: "The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital "pocket litter." It is, in some measure, the realization of the "total information awareness" program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans' privacy."
But it happened anyway.
Over the last week we have seen two significant prison-breaks, one in Iraq, where some 500 al-Qaeda members broke out of the infamous Abu Ghraib prison, which the US built, and another 1,000 escaped in a huge break in Benghazi, Libya -- the city where the US Ambassador was killed by the rebels that the US government helped put in power. Did the US intelligence community, focused on listening to our phone calls, not see this real threat coming?
Rep. Amash's amendment was an important move to at least bring attention to what the US intelligence community has become: an incredibly powerful conglomeration of secret government agencies that seem to view Americans as the real threat. It is interesting that the votes on Amash's amendment divided the House not on party lines. Instead, we saw the votes divided between those who follow their oath to the Constitution, versus those who seem to believe that any violation of the Constitution is justified in the name of the elusive "security" of the police state at the expense of liberty. The leadership -- not to my surprise -- of both parties in the House voted for the police state.
It is encouraging to see the large number of votes crossing party lines in favor of the Amash amendment. Let us hope that this will be a growing trend in the House -- perhaps the promise that Congress may once again begin to take its duties and obligations seriously. We should not forget, however, that in the meantime another Defense Appropriations bill passing really means another "military spending" bill. The Administration is planning for a US invasion of Syria, more military assistance to the military dictatorship in Egypt, and more drones and interventionism. We have much work yet to do.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Grassroots Revolution - A Speech by Ron Paul
When the US economy and government completely, and catastrophically fail, banks crash and the dollar devalues 100 to 1, and the reporters are wailing and rending their flesh on national TV, I want the camera to pan to Dr. Paul so he can say, "I told you this would happen, but nobody would listen to me". The US is worse off for not listening to Ron Paul and for not voting for him in 2008 & 2012!!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Ron Paul : US Government Will Be Similar to Detroit, Gold Price Will Explode
When the US economy and government completely, and catastrophically fail, banks crash and the dollar devalues 100 to 1, and the reporters are wailing and rending their flesh on national TV, I want the camera to pan to Dr. Paul so he can say, "I told you this would happen, but nobody would listen to me". The US is worse off for not listening to Ron Paul and for not voting for him in 2008 & 2012!!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Ron Paul : Republicans and Democrats are the Same
The notion that Republicans and Democrats are diametrically opposed political parties. You know, the idea that they're bitter political opponents. They fight over everything. They hate each other.
But the truth is, Paul said, they're the same party.
"We don't have a good democratic process," Paul said. "What happens if you come to the conclusion, as millions of Americans have, these parties aren't different, they're all the same. The monetary policy stays the same. The welfare system stays the same. The foreign policy stays the same. They get pretty disgusted. There is but one party."
It's very difficult to watch how the changing of American presidents has almost no effect on most of this country's policies and not think that Paul is right.
"Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people."
—Thomas Jefferson
Time For A New American Revolution?
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Ron Paul: 'Turn Off Your TV. Turn On the Truth' (Ron Paul TV)
RON PAUL TV COMING SOON I Must Say You MIC Presstitutes Soul..
sad how msnbc tries to make rps son look bad because of this:(
Breaking: Turn Off Your TV. Turn On the Truth. -- The Ron Paul Channel
"Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people."
—Thomas Jefferson
Time For A New American Revolution?
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
You can & you must think for yourself
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Ron Paul ~ Let Market Forces Solve Organ Transplant Crisis
Let Market Forces Solve Organ Transplant Crisis
Ten-year old cystic fibrosis patient Sarah Murnaghan captured the nation's attention when federal bureaucrats imposed a de facto death sentence on her by refusing to modify the rules governing organ transplants. The rules in question forbid children under 12 from receiving transplants of adult organs. Even though Sarah's own physician said she was an excellent candidate to receive an adult organ transplant, government officials refused to even consider modifying their rules.
Fortunately, a federal judge intervened so Sarah received the lung transplant. But the welcome decision in this case does not change the need to end government control of organ donations and repeal the federal ban on compensating organ donors.
Supporters of the current system claim that organ donation is too important to be left to the marketplace. But this is nonsensical: if we trust the market to deliver food, shelter, and all other necessities, why should we not trust it to deliver healthcare—including organs?
It is also argued that it is "uncompassionate" or "immoral" to allow patients or insurance companies to provide compensation to donors. But one of the reasons the waiting lists for transplants is so long, with many Americans dying before receiving a transplant, is because of a shortage of organs. If organ donors, or their heirs, where compensated for donating, more people would have an incentive to become organ donors.
Those who oppose allowing patients to purchase organs should ask themselves how compassionate is it to allow those people to die on the transplant waiting list who might otherwise have lived if they were able to obtain organs though private contracts.
Some are concerned that if organ donations were supplied via the market instead of through government regulation, those with lower incomes would be effectively denied access to donated organs. This ignores our current two-tier system for allocating organs, as the wealthy can travel overseas for transplants if they cannot receive a transplant in America. Allowing the free market to alleviate the shortage of organs and reduce the costs of medial procedures like transplants would benefit the middle class and the poor, not the wealthy.
The costs of obtaining organs would likely be covered by most health insurance plans, thus reducing the costs directly borne by individual patients. Furthermore, if current federal laws distorting the health care market are repealed, procedures such as transplants would be much more affordable. Expanded access to health savings accounts and flexible savings accounts, combined with generous individual tax deductions and credits, would also make it easier for people to afford health care procedures such as transplants.
There is also some hypocrisy in the argument against allowing market forces in organ transplants. Everyone else involved in organ transplantation procedures, including doctors, nurses, and even the hospital janitor, receives compensation. Not even the most extreme proponent of government-provided health care advocates forcing medical professionals to provide care without compensation. Hospitals and other private intuitions provide compensation for blood and plasma donations, and men and women are compensated for donations to fertility clinics, so why not allow compensation for organ donation?
Sarah Murnaghan's case shows the fallacy in thinking that a free-market system for organ donations is less moral or less effective than a government-controlled system. It is only the bureaucrats who put adherence to arbitrary rules ahead of the life of a ten-year old child. It is time for Congress to wake up and see that markets work better in all aspects of health care, including organ donation, just as they work better in providing all other goods and services.
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congressman ron paul
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Ron Paul & Jim Rogers On the Government, Martial Law, Collapse
Jim Rogers is an author, financial commentator and successful international investor. He has been frequently featured in Time, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and is a regular guest on Bloomberg and CNBC.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Ron Paul ~ New Egyptian War: Americans Lose, Again
New Egyptian War: Americans Lose, Again
by Ron Paul
We lose another one.
Looking at the banners in the massive Egyptian protests last week, we saw many anti-American slogans. Likewise, the Muslim Brotherhood-led government that was deposed by the military last week was very critical of what it saw as US support for the coup. Why is it that all sides in this Egyptian civil war seem so angry with the United States? Because the United States has at one point or another supported each side, which means also that at some point the US has also opposed each side. It is the constant meddling in Egyptian affairs that has turned Egyptians against us, as we would resent foreign intervention in our own affairs.
For more than 30 years, since the US-brokered Camp David Accord between Israel and Egypt, the US supported Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Over that period the US sent more than $60 billion to prop up Mubarak and, importantly, to train and seek control over the Egyptian military. Those who opposed Mubarak's unelected reign became more and more resentful of the US, which they rightly saw as aiding and abetting a dictator and denying them their political aspirations.
Then the US began providing assistance to groups seeking to overthrow Mubarak, which they did in 2011. The US continued funding the Egyptian military at that time, arguing that US aid was more critical than ever if we are to maintain influence. The US Administration demanded an election in Egypt after Mubarak's overthrow and an election was held. Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood won a narrow victory. The US supported Morsi but kept funding the Egyptian military.
After a year of Morsi's rule, Egyptians who did not approve of his government took to the streets to demand his removal from power. The US signaled to the Egyptian military that it would not oppose the removal of Morsi from power, and he was removed on July 3rd. With the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-led government came the arrest of many politicians and the closure of many media outlets sympathetic to them. Then the US government warned the same Egyptian military that undermined democracy that it needed to restore democracy! Is it any wonder why Egyptians from all walks of life are united in their irritation with the United States?
Despite the Egyptian government being overthrown by a military coup, the Obama Administration will not utter the word "coup" because acknowledging reality would mean an end to US assistance to the Egyptian government and military. That cannot be allowed.
Instead, we see the same Obama administration that is on a worldwide manhunt for pro-transparency whistle-blower Edward Snowden demand that the Egyptian military exercise "political transparency" in its dealings with the ousted Muslim Brotherhood-led government.
So, successive US administrations over the decades have supported all sides in Egypt, from dictator to demonstrator to military. There is only one side that the US government has never supported: our side. The American side. It has never supported the side of the US taxpayers who resent being forced to fund a foreign dictatorship, a foreign military, and foreign protestors. It has never supported the side of the majority of Americans who do not wish to get involved in the confusing internal affairs of countries thousands of miles away. It has never supported the side of those of us concerned about blowback, which is the real threat to our national security. Unfortunately, US administrations continue to follow the same old failed policies and Obama is no different. More intervention, more foreign aid, more bullying, more empire.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
RON PAUL : If You Like The Surveillance State, You'll Love E-Verify
If You Like The Surveillance State, You'll Love E-Verify
by Ron Paul
From massive NSA spying, to IRS targeting of the administration's political opponents, to collection and sharing of our health care information as part of Obamacare, it seems every day we learn of another assault on our privacy. Sadly, this week the Senate took another significant, if little-noticed, step toward creating an authoritarian surveillance state. Buried in the immigration bill is a national identification system called mandatory E-Verify.
The Senate did not spend much time discussing E-Verify, and what little discussion took place was mostly bipartisan praise for its effectiveness as a tool for preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining employment. It is a tragedy that mandatory E-Verify is not receiving more attention, as it will impact nearly every American's privacy and liberty.
The mandatory E-Verify system requires Americans to carry a "tamper-proof" social security card. Before they can legally begin a job, American citizens will have to show the card to their prospective employer, who will then have to verify their identity and eligibility to hold a job in the US by running the information through the newly-created federal E-Verify database. The database will contain photographs taken from passport files and state driver's licenses. The law gives federal bureaucrats broad discretion in adding other "biometric" identifiers to the database. It also gives the bureaucracy broad authority to determine what features the "tamper proof" card should contain.
Regardless of one's views on immigration, the idea that we should have to ask permission from the federal government before taking a job ought to be offensive to all Americans. Under this system, many Americans will be denied the opportunity for work. The E-Verify database will falsely identify thousands as "ineligible," forcing many to lose job opportunities while challenging government computer inaccuracies. E-Verify will also impose additional compliance costs on American businesses, at a time when they are struggling with Obamacare implementation and other regulations.
According to David Bier of Competitive Enterprise Institute, there is nothing stopping the use of E-Verify for purposes unrelated to work verification, and these expanded uses could be authorized by agency rule-making or executive order. So it is not inconceivable that, should this bill pass, the day may come when you are not be able to board an airplane or exercise your second amendment rights without being run through the E-Verify database. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the personal health care information that will soon be collected by the IRS and shared with other federal agencies as part of Obamacare will also be linked to the E-Verify system.
Those who dismiss these concerns as paranoid should consider that the same charges were leveled at those who warned that the PATRIOT Act could lead to the government collecting our phone records and spying on our Internet usage. Just as the PATRIOT Act was only supposed to be used against terrorists but is now used to bypass constitutional protections in matters having noting to do with terrorism or national security, the national ID/mandatory E-Verify database will not only be used to prevent illegal immigrants from gaining employment. Instead, it will eventually be used as another tool to monitor and control the American people.
The recent revelations of the extent of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Americans, plus recent stories of IRS targeting Tea Party and similar groups for special scrutiny, demonstrates the dangers of trusting government with this type of power. Creation of a federal database with photos and possibly other "biometric" information about American citizens is a great leap forward for the surveillance state. All Americans who still care about limited government and individual liberty should strongly oppose E-Verify.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Ron Paul: Bernanke Should Resign
Tue 18 Jun 13 | 01:07 PM ET
Ron Paul says Fed Chairman Bernanke should "resign," and explains why the Fed's plan is in so much trouble. With CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis and the Futures Now Traders.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Ron Paul: Bernanke Should Resign - CNBC 6/18/2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Alex Jones Show : Ron Paul, Tom Mabe, Genae Girard : Wednesday, Jun 19 2013
On this guest-packed Wednesday, June 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, former Congressman Ron Paul joins us to discuss the impending dollar collapse, the NSA's constitutional infringements and other privacy scandals. Alex also speaks with comedian and prankster Tom Mabe who recently filmed a powerful satire video portraying himself as a NSA agent "recording" people in public with a boom mike. The video can be seen here on In studio, Alex hosts cancer survivor Genae Girard, who recently won a Supreme Court case against patents on naturally occurring DNA. The victory has already lowered the cost of breast cancer testing.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked? by Ron Paul
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 6/10/13: Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked?
Last week we saw dramatic new evidence of illegal government surveillance of our telephone calls, and of the National Security Agency's deep penetration into American companies such as Facebook and Microsoft to spy on us. The media seemed shocked.
Many of us are not so surprised.
Some of us were arguing back in 2001 with the introduction of the so-called PATRIOT Act that it would pave the way for massive US government surveillance—not targeting terrorists but rather aimed against American citizens. We were told we must accept this temporary measure to provide government the tools to catch those responsible for 9/11. That was nearly twelve years and at least four wars ago.
We should know by now that when it comes to government power-grabs, we never go back to the status quo even when the "crisis" has passed. That part of our freedom and civil liberties once lost is never regained. How many times did the PATRIOT Act need renewed? How many times did FISA authority need expanded? Why did we have to pass a law to grant immunity to companies who hand over our personal information to the government?
It was all a build-up of the government's capacity to monitor us.
The reaction of some in Congress and the Administration to last week's leak was predictable. Knee-jerk defenders of the police state such as Senator Lindsey Graham declared that he was "glad" the government was collecting Verizon phone records—including his own—because the government needs to know what the enemy is up to. Those who take an oath to defend the Constitution from its enemies both foreign and domestic should worry about such statements.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers tells us of the tremendous benefits of this Big Brother-like program. He promises us that domestic terrorism plots were thwarted, but he cannot tell us about them because they are classified. I am a bit skeptical, however. In April, the New York Times reported that most of these domestic plots were actually elaborate sting operations developed and pushed by the FBI. According to the Times report, "of the 22 most frightening plans for attacks since 9/11 on American soil, 14 were developed in sting operations."
Even if Chairman Rogers is right, though, and the program caught someone up to no good, we have to ask ourselves whether even such a result justifies trashing the Constitution. Here is what I said on the floor of the House when the PATRIOT Act was up for renewal back in 2011: "If you want to be perfectly safe from child abuse and wife beating, the government could put a camera in every one of our houses and our bedrooms, and maybe there would be somebody made safer this way, but what would you be giving up? Perfect safety is not the purpose of government. What we want from government is to enforce the law to protect our liberties."
What most undermines the claims of the Administration and its defenders about this surveillance program is the process itself. First the government listens in on all of our telephone calls without a warrant and then if it finds something it goes to a FISA court and get an illegal approval for what it has already done! This turns the rule of law and due process on its head.
The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing. We need to turn the cameras on the police and on the government, not the other way around. We should be thankful for writers like Glenn Greenwald, who broke last week's story, for taking risks to let us know what the government is doing. There are calls for the persecution of Greenwald and the other whistle-blowers and reporters. They should be defended, as their work defends our freedom.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Warning to America Economic Meltdown 2014 Ron Paul
You know when a man like Ron Paul is vilified and bashed by the media, that the media is NOT free and impartial. One of the greatest thinkers of our times, especially with respects to the economy and liberty, Ron Paul should be one of the most respected and best loved men of today in the country AND the world. The fact that some see this man as some sort of "kook" is a testament to the shallow minds of the majority of today. A people that think the way the owned media tells them to think. Sheep.
Ron Paul ~ We Are Witnessing The Failure Of The State, The Government and The Fed
Obama is leading Amerika down the yellow brick road to economic ruin. Protect yourself any way you can. Pretty soon the entire country will look like tornado-strewn Oklahoma or a bombed-out Detroit once he is done with gutting it.
Most government programs turn out to be traps for grabbing your money one way or another, with penalties, fines, surcharges, etc. Currency inflation is a form of taxation without regard to income.
The only authority for a federal tax is the 16th Amendment, so one could argue that “quantitative easing” is a violation of civil rights because the power to print currency in unlimited amounts was never granted to the federal government. The constitution authorized only gold and silver as payment.
The point is, the federal reserve could be sued for civil and constitutional rights violations by anyone whose savings are diminished by the printing of paper currency. Few lawyers would want to take that case to federal court, but the legal theory supporting a claim seems plausible.
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