Showing posts with label William Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Black. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Detroit files for biggest US City Bankruptcy

Detroit has become the largest city in Unites States history to file for bankruptcy after decades of decline and mismanagement rendered the city insolvent. Michigan's governor, Rick Snyder, said on Thursday that there was no other option to tackle the city's $18.5bn of debts. Al Jazeera's Caroline Malone reports.

Detroit has become the largest city in Unites States history to file for bankruptcy after decades of decline and mismanagement rendered the city insolvent.William Black, a professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, talks to Al Jazeera about Detroit filing bankruptcy.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

William Black ~ Revealed: Banks Rewarded and Blacklisted Appraisers to Artificially Inflate Real Estate Prices

Revealed: Banks Rewarded and Blacklisted Appraisers to Artificially Inflate Real Estate Prices . Thousands of appraisers warned Washington regulators of fraud during the seven years leading up to the housing crash

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bill Black: Deficit is Dropping but is there a Real Recovery?

William Black: With surge in stock market, the wealthier are paying more taxes but working class wages are not rising and unemployment remains high, so this does not mean a sustained recovery of the real economy is underway

The financial industry brought the economy to its knees, but how did they get away with it? With the nation wondering how to hold the bankers accountable, Bill Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Black offers his analysis of how exporting the manufacturing industry to poor countries like bangladesh actually costs more and not less , and how Obama is leading us to more austerity and that austerity is a disaster , Bill Black is the author of "The Best Way To Rob a Bank is to Own One"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

William Black : Obamas Austerity is a Disaster

Bill Black: Pres. Obama cannot expect growth in the economy when he continues the policies of austerity Bill Black:Manufacturing in Bangladesh costs more not less

The financial industry brought the economy to its knees, but how did they get away with it? With the nation wondering how to hold the bankers accountable, Bill Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Black offers his analysis of how exporting the manufacturing industry to poor countries like bangladesh actually costs more and not less , and how Obama is leading us to more austerity and that austerity is a disaster , Bill Black is the author of "The Best Way To Rob a Bank is to Own One"

Sunday, February 24, 2013

William Black : Clinton's Policy of Not Prosecuting Bank Fraud Continues

Bill Black: Clinton admin. thought that prosecuting big bank fraud wasn't worth the governments time and could destabilize banking system - Obama continues the policy today

Friday, January 11, 2013

Matt Taibbi & William Black on Bailout Secrets & How New Foreclosure Deal Spares Banks From Justice - Four years after the massive bailout that rescued Wall Street, we look at the state of the financial sector with Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi and former financial regulator William Black. In a new article for Rolling Stone, Taibbi argues the government did not just bail out Wall Street, but also lied on the financial sector's behalf, calling unhealthy banks healthy and helping banks cover up how much aid they were getting. The government's approach to the banks came under new scrutiny this week after it reached an $8.5 billion settlement for improprieties in the wrongful foreclosures on millions of American homeowners, including flawed paperwork, robo-signing and wrongly modified loans. The settlement will end an independent review of all foreclosures, meaning the banks could be avoiding billions of dollars in further penalties, in addition to criminal prosecution.


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