Showing posts with label Matt Taibbi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Taibbi. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Matt Taibbi on the Republican National Convention (2004)

Matt Taibbi joined Mark Ames in 1997 to co-edit the controversial English-language Moscow-based, bi-weekly free newspaper, The eXile. Of Exile, Taibbi said, "We were out of the reach of American libel law, and we had a situation where we weren't really accountable to our advertisers. We had total freedom." In the U.S. media, Playboy magazine published pieces on Russia both by Taibbi and by Taibbi and Ames together during this time.

In 2002, he returned to the U.S. to start the satirical bi-weekly The Beast in Buffalo, New York, which he eventually left declaring that "Running a business and writing is too much." Taibbi continued as a freelancer for The Nation, Playboy, New York Press (where he wrote a regular political column for more than two years), Rolling Stone, and New York Sports Express (as Editor at Large). Taibbi said being a journalist was a "career failure. I wanted to be a novelist," he announced at an NYU lecture.

Taibbi left the New York Press in August 2005, shortly after his editor Jeff Koyen was forced to quit over issues raised by Taibbi's column "The 52 Funniest Things About The Upcoming Death of The Pope". "I have since learned that there would not have been an opportunity for me to stay anyway," Taibbi later wrote.

Taibbi became a Contributing Editor at Rolling Stone, penning feature-length articles on domestic and international affairs, along with a weekly political online column titled "The Low Post" for the magazine's website. Taibbi writes for the print edition of Rolling Stone, and contributes to their website in his current blog, "Taibblog". A later online column titled "Year of the Rat" was meant to document the 2008 election season, but it ended after only a few postings.

Taibbi covered the 2008 presidential campaign for Real Time with Bill Maher, and he has made several guest appearances on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show and other MSNBC programs. He also has appeared on Democracy Now! and served as a contributor on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Taibbi is an occasional guest on the Thom Hartmann radio and TV shows.

His July 2009 Rolling Stone article "The Great American Bubble Machine" described Goldman Sachs as "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money".
Tackling the assistance to banks given in foreclosure courts, Taibbi traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to observe the "rocket docket" to process foreclosures without regard to the legality of the financial instruments being ruled upon, speeding-up the process to enable quick resale of the properties while obscuring the fraudulent and predatory nature of the loans, and a reluctance to allow public observance of the court proceedings. "Invasion of the Home Snatchers" was published in the November 25, 2010 issue of Rolling Stone.

As financial scandals continued to rock the world during 2012, Taibbi's analyses of the machinations garnered him invitations to nationally broadcast television programs as an expert who could explain the events as they unfolded and their importance to viewers and moderators alike. In a discussion of the Libor revelations, Taibbi's coverage in Rolling Stone was singled out by Dennis Kelleher, president of Better Markets, Inc., as most important on the topic, that had become required reading to remain informed.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wall Street Matt Taibbi on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

Wall Street Matt Taibbi on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
Who ever thinks this is not a rigged game is trying to play it. When the investigators do not investigate, and the crook steps forward to turn himself in, he is only protecting his coconspirator family from the legal problems and it worked. How do they get to keep any of theirs is also proof the game is fixed. Mad Money Cramer confesses to his crimes to the brother of a COO of wall street, and he still has his liberty?? AND a national money program??? Tungsten filled Gold Bars

"The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch-- Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference-- that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars."

—Ron Paul


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

—Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

MATT TAIBBI ~ JP Morgan Chase's Crime Spree

Matt Taibbi , explained the myth of JP Morgan Chase as the "one good bank", why too big to fail is the problem, why Washington finally getting fed up with Wall Street, How Wall Street miscalculated the 2012 election, how JP Morgan Chase hides losses and commits regular acts of financial fraud and is genuine Wall Street reform possible now?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Matt Taibbi : Everything is Rigged ~ Majority Report 5/9/13

Majority Report 5/9/13 - Matt Taibbi: Everything is Rigged

Matt Taibbi joins us today to talk the BIGGEST price-fixing scandal ever. Read his latest piece in Rolling Stone, Everything is Rigged. Matt Taibbi : The Bailout WAS The Lie . Rolling Stone Contributing Editor Matt Taibbi and Former Special Inspector General for TARP, Neil Barofsky join Marc to discuss myths about the bailout. Matt Taibbi, is a Rolling Stone Contributing Editor and the author of "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History." "You can do real time in jail in America for all kinds of ridiculous offenses," Taibbi says. "Here we have a bank that laundered $800 million dollars of drug money and they can't find a way to put anybody in jail for that? That sends an incredible message, not just to the financial sector, but to everybody. It's an obvious, clear double standard where one set of people gets to break the rules as much as they want and another set of people can't break any rules at all without going to jail."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Matt Taibbi ~ JP Morgan a Good Bank is just an Urban Myth

Matt Taibbi, explained the myth of JP Morgan Chase as the "one good bank", why too big to fail is the problem, why Washington finally getting fed up with Wall Street, How Wall Street miscalculated the 2012 election, how JP Morgan Chase hides losses and commits regular acts of financial fraud and is genuine Wall Street reform possible now?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Matt Taibbi : The Bailout was The Big Lie

Matt Taibbi : The Bailout WAS The Lie . Rolling Stone Contributing Editor Matt Taibbi and Former Special Inspector General for TARP, Neil Barofsky join Marc to discuss myths about the bailout. Matt Taibbi, is a Rolling Stone Contributing Editor and the author of "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History." "You can do real time in jail in America for all kinds of ridiculous offenses," Taibbi says. "Here we have a bank that laundered $800 million dollars of drug money and they can't find a way to put anybody in jail for that? That sends an incredible message, not just to the financial sector, but to everybody. It's an obvious, clear double standard where one set of people gets to break the rules as much as they want and another set of people can't break any rules at all without going to jail."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Matt Taibbi & William Black on Bailout Secrets & How New Foreclosure Deal Spares Banks From Justice - Four years after the massive bailout that rescued Wall Street, we look at the state of the financial sector with Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi and former financial regulator William Black. In a new article for Rolling Stone, Taibbi argues the government did not just bail out Wall Street, but also lied on the financial sector's behalf, calling unhealthy banks healthy and helping banks cover up how much aid they were getting. The government's approach to the banks came under new scrutiny this week after it reached an $8.5 billion settlement for improprieties in the wrongful foreclosures on millions of American homeowners, including flawed paperwork, robo-signing and wrongly modified loans. The settlement will end an independent review of all foreclosures, meaning the banks could be avoiding billions of dollars in further penalties, in addition to criminal prosecution.


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