Showing posts with label The Dollar Collapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Dollar Collapse. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Where NOT to be when the DOLLAR COLLAPSE happens (USD, Fiat Money, Economy, Survival, NWO)

It's so ridiculous how a completely unnecessary fabrication like a monetary economy can jeopardize the survival of a species. It's a very complicated means toward extinction, and the irony behind something like that is too much to handle. Like you said, "The farmer continued to farm..." Survival through self-sufficiency is so easy. We are conscious and very clever; living in harmony and balance with our environment would be simple and stress free. Like it or not global financial change will happen and believe it or not it may be for the good of all mankind. It may avoid war and hunger all around the world and unite us. This will happen and the best one can do is educate one self on how to live in a global currency world.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dollar Collapse - A Mathematical Certainty

Dollar Collapse a Certainty?

When will it take place? Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? What will your life be like in a post collapse world? Are you prepared? The collapse of the dollar will be the single largest event in human history. Every major civilization in history has collapsed. This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth, our work, our food, our government, even our relationships are affected by money.

This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies, as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.

Are you ready for the 100% Certainty of the U.S. Economy and Dollar Collapse? Get food storage, water filtration, heirloom seeds, and all your dollars into real money (Gold and Silver). Prepare or Perish are your two options.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

What Will Happen After The Dollar Collapse

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." Karl Rove

The Criminal Elite have been very successful in remaining in power by using the age old play book of the Hegelian Dialectic.  The conflict between two seemingly opposite false choices for a predetermined synthesis solution.  These rigged battles tend to be only emotional conflicts that never look at the logic of what they are really fighting over.  The democrats and republicans are the easiest to see.  they emotionally fight over issues of no real importance like abortion or gay marriage but the logical eye would see that underneath all of the fluster the Real agenda is constantly pushed forward, more debts, more regulation, more war, more jobs shipped over seas, more loss of liberties etc.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."  Lenin -

Today I want to expose another one of these Hegelian dialectics that I believe will allow the current criminal elite to control the next paradigm and our children future.  The Criminal elite know that the dollar is coming to its mathematically inevitable end where the amount of new debt needed to enter the system to keep it functioning will lead to a hyper inflationary depression.  Since their entire paradigm is based off of loyalty to the dollar they desperately need to create another perceived reality for them to continue their power and profits.

The CIA has gone from fighting communists and terrorists to looking at money.  They know that the greatest threat to their power is the failure of the dollar They have held many conferences and simulations studying money and even taking interest in the Bitcoin only to coincidentally have the largest bitcoin market hacked and crashed 5 days later.  While bitcoin is just a small experiment of the final false currency that will emerge out for the serfs to slave away for more illusionary wealth in the future, there is am much larger real game at stake here.  This is where the big boys play.

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

― Frank Zappa

The collapse of the dollar will lead to the anger phase of humanity as millions of Americans come to the stark reality that their entire life has been spent chasing an illusion that has failed them.  They will realize that they have no REAL wealth Real skills or Real Friends. This will lead to riots and millions of anitidpressant addicted individuals having psychoptic breaks from reality resulting in some of the most inhuman crimes.

On a global level there will be a real rush to secure the real assets of the world.  The first rush will be to gold which is why nations like Venezuela, Germany, Austria, Russia and China are buying and bringing home their gold to prepare.  The next level will be the energy resources of the world which will lead to regional or even global war for the real assets of the world.  At some point the wars and fires will burn out and we will see a new order establish itself.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Where not to be when The Dollar Collapses! fiat currency

I see America and to a greater extent the human race doing what it always does in this type of situation. Kick the can down the road. Specifically, America will slowly and inexorably print away its debt. Reason for this forecast? Austerity shrinks the economy so badly that the loss of aggregate demand causes a downward spiral and less and less revenue to pay off the debt. Running the printing presses produces jobs and demand. Oh, and inflation.


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