Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

Obamas Second Term Scandals "Phony?" - Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann On The Record

Obama's Second Term Scandals "Phony?" - Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann On The Record

Sarah Palin Destroys Obama and his "Phony Scandals" on Fox New - 7/26/2013 - Tonight Greta Van Susteren explores why the president is calling the D.C. scandals "phony." In this sneak peek clip of the special, Greta talks to Sarah Palin who exposes that in her 2008 vice presidential run, she was forbidden from talking about Obama's relationships with both Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, as well as his job experience.

"I was not allowed to talk about things like that because those 'elitists,' those who are the brainiacs in the GOP machine, running John McCain's campaign at the time said that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things."

"What that got us, this kind of complacency and self-censoring of a campaign where we weren't allowed to tell the truth about who this candidate was -- Barack Obama -- what it got us was a list of these scandals," Palin charged.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sarah Palin: Edward Snowden Is Not The Problem - 6/21/13

"He was asking for these unanswered questions about domestic use of drones and the impact on the American public. [...] Of course he was chided and mocked and ridiculed by the Obama administration, [...] but Rand Paul was right. He was asking the questions and now finally we're getting the answers that yes, drones are used on American soil," Sarah Palin said Saturday on FOX News about Edward Snowden.

"Only in an Orwellian government would a collective bad deed be so generously rewarded. It is a shame and it's just more reason to distrust our federal government and the nonsense that's going on in Washington, D.C.," Palin said about the IRS.

"Is a bear Catholic, does the pope live in the woods? No. I do not trust our federal government," Palin also said.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sarah Palin Slams Obama For IRS, Drone, NSA Abuses: 'Orwellian' Government

Sarah Palin Sounds Off on Growing Gov't Scandals w/ Eric Bolling on Cashin' IN - Fox News - 6-22-13

June 22, 2013 - "We're building a very strong case against that trust of today's federal government," Sarah Palin told Fox host Eric Bolling on Saturday morning, in one of her first appearances since being rehired by the cable network. In a wide-ranging but softball interview, Bolling plied Palin on the IRS scandal, domestic drone use, and NSA surveillance, with the refrain, "Can we trust the federal government?" "Is a bear Catholic?" Palin answered. "Does a pope live in the woods? No, I do not trust our federal government. That is the seventeen-trillion dollar question." Palin, like her ideological mate Ted Cruz, extrapolated from the IRS scandal an argument against the organization's existence. "This would give us reason to finally head towards simplification of a tax code and adopt a flat tax and you know, that way we could abolish the bureaucracy that is so burdensome and so expensive and really engaging in some ridiculous antics today in the IRS," Palin said. "It would allow sledgehammering of crony capitalism, also, and some corruption within, the tax cheats and that whole scenario. I think this would give us great reason to make more sense of the coffers that are being filled by the American public's fruit of their labors." The IRS kerfuffle now includes news of $70 million in employee bonuses. The agency has said that its hands are tied due to a collective bargaining agreement with the employee union. "That's part of the problem," Bolling said. "It's a federal government program, we're paying their salaries, yet they're a union! Does this not drive you crazy?" "Only in an Orwellian government would a collective bad deed by so generously rewarded," Palin said. "You can anticipate that the Obama administration will not even push back on what this union is demanding for its employees. The Obama administration will kowtow to the friends who are union thugs—the leadership of so many of these unions are thugs—and they will not push back. Unfortunately because it gives a bad name to the brothers and sisters within the union who just want to produce well for the American public and do their job. It's the leadership that is engaged in the thuggery that unfortunately Obama will not push back against." Bolling asked Palin about the FBI Director Bob Mueller's admission this week that the agency uses drones for domestic surveillance purposes. "I think what Mueller is telling us is 'Hey, America, on U.S. soil, we're going to shoot you down just a little bit,' because he's talking about just this minimal impact of drones on U.S. soil," Palin said. "What this allows us to understand, though, is that Rand Paul was right when the senator engaged in the filibuster and what he was asking for those couple of months ago," Palin continued. "He asking for the unanswered questions about domestic use of drones and the impact on the American public—what were they and what was going on and was it actually happening. He was chided and mocked and ridiculed by the Obama administration and by some in the senate for engaging in such a thing. Rand Paul was right. He was asking the questions, and now finally we are getting an answer that yes, drones are used on the American soil." Bolling moved on to the NSA's surveillance program, revealed by leaker Edward Snowden. "It feels to me like we're either in Iran or Communist China," Bolling said of the Bush-era programs. "Snowden is not the problem," Palin said. "The problem is government violating our Fourth Amendment right and taking away our privacy." Palin went on to compare the NSA surveillance program to the incident during her 2008 campaign in which her emails were accessed by a hacker. "Government in this case is doing the same thing that that punk hacker kid did during the VP campaign," Palin said. "It's not a safe, ethical, moral nor a legal measure taken by our government."

Sarah Palin: It Seems That Washington Is For Sale!

IRS Giving Union Employees $70 Million In Bonuses- RPT Sarah Palin: It Seems That Washington Is For Sale!
The American people have it within their power to abolish the IRS.Actually, taxes take away your rights, your rights to life, liberty, and property.If you read the opening of the Declaration of Independence, of which the tenets and principles make up both The Constitution and our Government, of which all public servants (serpents?), swear an Oath to defend and protect, you will find that the U.S. Government DOES NOT GIVE us any rights, nor have they ever given us any rights. Every single one of our rights come from our Creator. PERIOD

If you check into the 9th and 10th Amendments in The Bill of Rights you will see the further additional enforcement of these laws on the U.S. Government. Anything beyond those specific 18 items are supposed to be handled by the independent and sovereign States or the people.So according to The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution we have ALL OF OUR RIGHTS because they come from our Creator, NOT from the U.S. Government regardless of whether we pay taxes or not.Furthermore, there are several CONSITITUTIONAL reasons why direct taxes on labor is not legal for the U.S. Government to do, the ratification of the NON-Ratified 16th Amendment, thanks to the lying Secretary of State Philanderer Knox, not withstanding. You see there is NO SUCH THING as "income" on labor or earnings.Income turns on profits or gains and not the "equal" exchange of personal property. When you work for someone you exchange your education, knowledge, skills, abilities and sweat for an equal exchange of personal property usually in the form of a paycheck. That is why the entire U.S. Tax Code book, with 9 million words in it, doesn't define "income" anywhere within it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michael Savage : Sarah Palin is like Dolly Parton in her early days

Michael Savage on Sarah Palin and The National Tea Party Convention - February 9th, 2010

Michael Savage the conservative radio talk show host calls Sarah Palin The Dolly Parton in her early days
Michael Savage : Sarah Palin President ? Are you People Nutts ! says Michael Savage , although she has her heart in the right place and she says the right things but she does not qualify according to the controversial radio host Michael Savage

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Sarah Palin Book One Of The Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read

Rush Limbaugh Calls Sarah Palin's Book "One Of The Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read"

Rush Limbaugh Calls Sarah Palin's Book "One Of The Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read" - 11/14/09

Libertarian Liberal liberties republican Democrat elections Rush Limbaugh Calls Sarah Palin Book One Of The Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read 11/14/09


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