Showing posts with label QE2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QE2. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Naked Capitalism and QE2

Naked Capitalism's Yves Smith: Banks to Cash In on QE2 "Carry Trade" - Fed's 600 B quantitative easing may well make more profits for bankers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

QE2 a Bad Idea - John Ryding

RDQ Economics Chief Economist John Ryding discusses why the Fed's latest round of quantitative easing wont benefit the economy.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Will Fed 600 Billion Jumpstart the Economy?

Will Fed's 600 Billion Jumpstart Economy?

Robert Pollin: Nothing in Fed's new plan will make banks lend more money

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quantitative Easing 2: US economy continues to sink (03Nov10)

The broke United States are pretending that printing more money will recover their economy - it won't. The money meant and banks will make the money, and the little people paying the taxes will be hung out to dry. The US economy is sinking to oblivion.

Congratulations to idiots like Gordon Brown and President Obama, who actually believe in their idol Keynes in how to ruin an economy.

What the money markets have done is give a loaded gun to sucker politicians, and said if you don't give us money, we'll pull the trigger and collapse the economy. The politicians give these crooks more money, and the economy continues to sink anyway. The politicians are in on the scam.

If people like Brown and Obama wonder why people do not support them, look at what the politicians have DELIBERATELY done to their economies.

Recorded from Newsnight, 03 November 2010.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Expert: QE2 Helps Bond Market

Dave Withrow of Fifth Third Asset Management on his outlook for the bond market and economy.


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