Showing posts with label Major Ed Dames. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Major Ed Dames. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2013

SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 ~ REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot

SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 - REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot
In the mid 1970s sponsorship by the CIA was terminated and picked up by the Air Force. In 1979 the Army's Intelligence and Security Command, which had been providing some taskings to the SRI investigators was ordered to develop its own program by the Army's chief intelligence officer General Ed Thompson. CIA operations officers, working from McMahon's office and other offices also continued to provide taskings to SRI's subjects. (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005, Atwater 2001)

In 1984 remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle was awarded a legion of merit for determining "150 essential elements of information...producing crucial and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source".[16]

Unfortunately, the viewers' advice in the "Stargate project" was always so unclear and non-detailed that it has never been used in any intelligence operation.[3][5][6] Despite this, SRI scientists and remote viewers have claimed that a number of "natural" psychics were crucial in a number of intelligence operations. The most famous claimed results from these years were the description of "a big crane" at a Soviet nuclear research facility by Joseph McMoneagle,[17] a description of a new class of Soviet strategic submarine by a team of three viewers which included McMoneagle,(Smith 2005, McMoneagle 2002) and Rosemary Smith's location of a downed Soviet bomber in Africa.[18] By the early 1980s numerous offices throughout the intelligence community were providing taskings to SRI's psychics, (Schnabel 1997, Smith 2005) but the collaboration never resulted in useful intelligence information

In 2001--2002 the UK Government performed a study on 18 untrained subjects. The experimenters recorded the E field and H field around each viewer to see if the cerebral activity of successful viewings caused higher-than-usual fields to be emitted from the brain. However, the experimenters did not find any evidence that the viewers had accessed the targets in the data collection phase, the project was abandoned, and the data was never analyzed since no RV activity had happened. Some "narrow-band" E-fields were detected during the viewings, but they were attributed to external causes. The experiment was disclosed in 2007 after a UK Freedom of Information request

During the top-secret Remote Viewing (RV) CIA and U.S. Army research program, trained viewers that were normally tasked with foreseeing the outcome of war related events began picking up on a future occurrence that appeared to mark a dramatic shift in global life. At first, these viewers, along with Major Ed Dames, the program's senior operations and training officer, had feared their subconscious was foreseeing nuclear war. It turns out after years of Remote Viewing sessions, the event is in fact a series of solar flares that are so devastating to the Earth, it may cause the death of billions and change life on Earth as we know it.

Normally, one might not take such a warning seriously, but what sets this prediction apart from others is that Remote Viewers have a track record of being amazingly accurate regarding globally recognized disasters and events. In fact, there are many predictions that were announced on national radio and TV programs that have already accurately come to pass with unprecedented accuracy including the tragic disaster in Japan, a mysterious crop fungus, the predicted Indonesian 9.0 earthquake and more! "He [Major Dames] was Targeting Director (sic) of the U.S. Intelligence Electronic & Security Command (sic), and assistant director of special operations (sic) in the DIA Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence, and an area controller of special operations (sic) of Headquarters Department of the Army. For several years, he was mandated to brief on a daily and/or weekly basis DIA, NSA, other agencies, and, when circumstances required, the President and his advisors."

Friday, August 2, 2013

Killshot Prediction ~ Edward Snowden: Cataclysmic Event Imminent? Remote Viewing Warnings

Edward Snowden: Cataclysmic Event Imminent? 1. Major Ed Dames is the real deal anyone that may question this should really do their home work and research him which is rare these days in a society infested with poisoned, subservient default morons who love being slaves for the government and who love hearing their lies just because it makes them feel better, the killshot sequence is also in agreement with his entire team not just Dames.Remote Viewers obtain all their information from the akashic records AKA UNIFIED FILED! where all possible events become omnipresent, in other words past, present and future simultaneously which is why it's so difficult for Viewers to put a time date stamp on predicted events, Dames has been extremely accurate in his predictions, most notably, Fukushima. And when you wake up and accept how pathetic most humans and the blueprint has become it's probably coming Dames says prob this year thanks ADG

Japan Quake Prediction & Bird Deaths - Next Big Quake - Survival Zones 2011

The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. The technical consultant for the feature film, Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), Ed coached Sir Ben Kingsley, and played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.

Major Ed Dames

Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Louis Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. Following four incredible solid UFO experiences he was influenced to re-kindle Nostradamus' methods of Divine Astrology and spent many years reviving the Seer's rare cabalistic healing method. In 1976 he graduated from the Royal School of Music in London with the highest distinction. He moved to the US in 1984 and has since established himself as a successful hypnotherapist, an astropsychologist, author of 4 books, and a powerful motivational speaker.

In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety has skyrocketed after hundreds of accurate predictions such as 9-11, the Asian tsunami, Iraq war, SARS virus and unarguable predictions of major earthquakes that he made on television and radio programs.

Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed his previous prediction of a major quake in Japan, and shared insights into forthcoming quakes, the solar 'Kill Shot,' and safe places to live. In a 2003 show with Art Bell, he predicted a massive earthquake would hit Japan and damage a nuclear reactor. (He was off on the year, which he told Art would be in late Spring, 2005.) He also shared this prediction with Japanese TV
Dames and his team have remote viewed what he calls the "next, mass human death-causing earthquake,"-- something akin to what we just witnessed in Japan. Though he couldn't name a date, the site of this will be the New Madrid Fault and the Wabash Valley seismic zone (see map below), and St. Louis, Missouri will be particularly hard hit with the most deaths, he declared, adding that we might even see the Mississippi River change its course

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Major Ed Dames Predictions ~ Extraterrestrial Intervention and Solar KILLSHOT

Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames shared updates on solar threats, ETs and other-dimensional visitors, as well as his recent work remote viewing why Mars lost its atmosphere, killing off its life and civilizations-- somewhat paralleling what Earth is about to go through. A very long time ago, he said, there was a large population on Mars, with two different races. Then, there was a brutal storm with high winds that lasted for about 10 years, leaving only about 15% of the populace left, living in shelters, he detailed. The genesis of the storm was a large passing body, possibly a 'Planet X,' that drew so close to Mars on its pass through our solar system that it caused a series of extreme wave-like crashes of air leading to the loss of Mars' atmosphere, he outlined.

The carbon dioxide that is present in Mars today is due to microbes-- the only current life form on the planet, he said, aside from what he called "sentient machines or robots" that stayed behind after the loss of the Martian civilization. According to remote viewers, the Russian Phobos II spacecraft was destroyed by one of these robots, which took on the form of a spacecraft. The sentient machines control via an underground command center-- "they are the ones who create the crop circles on Earth...they are the ones responsible for the Rendlesham Forest Incident, for the Cash-Landrum radiation incident," Dames announced.

Regarding the solar "killshot" , everything is pointing toward the 2013 time frame, "because it's the top of the solar cycle," he commented. The Earth's thinning ozone layer is looking like Swiss cheese to remote viewers, and there'll be a vast heating in the Earth's atmosphere. Most metropolitan areas, with a few exceptions (like Christchurch, New Zealand) won't serve as adequate sanctuaries from the killshot, he noted. However, a "Federation" outreach program, involving humans born off-world, will help us rebuild the planet, probably some 50 years out, he continued. Dames also spoke about extra-dimensional beings who act to prevent nuclear annihilation on our planet.
Major Ed Dames


The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. The technical consultant for the feature film, Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), Ed coached Sir Ben Kingsley, and played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Major Ed Dames ~ Remote Viewing, Bigfoot & Nukes

Remote Viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed the revolutionary discovery his RV team made about the enigma we call 'Bigfoot.' Whenever a trained remote viewer focuses on Bigfoot, he explained, they see a "rectilinear device" out in space. This device belongs to a group of intelligent beings called 'The Controllers,' Dames said, who use it to teleport (or project) Bigfoot to Earth. Dames is planning to contact The Controllers (possibly in June 2006) and hopes they will intervene in human affairs to save us from destroying ourselves.

He also talked about his work as a gov't remote viewer, altered states of consciousness, and nuclear terrorism. When pressed Dames said there are not currently any nuclear devices "on the loose," but that could change at any moment as there are an plenty of well-funded groups who hate the United States trying to buy them.


The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. The technical consultant for the feature film, Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), Ed coached Sir Ben Kingsley, and played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.

Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to an ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. The term sasquatch is an anglicized derivative of the Halkomelem word sásq'ets.

Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal, because of the lack of physical evidence and the large numbers of creatures that would be necessary to maintain a breeding population. A few scientists, such as Jane Goodall and Jeffrey Meldrum, have expressed interest and some measure of belief in the creature

Proposed explanations for sightings

Various types of creatures have been suggested to explain both the sightings and what type of creature Bigfoot would be if it existed. The scientific community typically attributes sightings to either hoaxes or misidentification of known animals and their tracks. While cryptozoologists generally explain Bigfoot as an unknown ape, some believers in Bigfoot attribute the phenomenon to UFOs or other paranormal causes. A minority of proponents of a natural explanation have attributed Bigfoot to animals that are not apes such as the giant ground sloth.

Interdimensional being

One fringe theory, supported by paranormal investigator Jon-Erik Beckjord, theorizes that the lack of hard evidence supporting Bigfoot's existence may be due to the creature being an interdimensional being that slips in and out of dimensions. Many Bigfoot advocates distance themselves from the paranormal position and regard it as an embarrassment.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Remote Viewing - Major Ed Dames Predictions for The Future

Remote Viewing - Major Ed Dames Predictions for The Future

Date: 01-01-05
Host: Art Bell
Guests: Major Ed Dames

Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames helped welcome in an Unhappy New Year, as he warned about Earth's next major catastrophe. He believes he has found the location of Earth's next major catastrophe. According to Dames, a 9+ magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter just off the northwest tip of New Guinea (Eastern Indonesia, 0.5 degrees S/131.5 degrees E), will occur sometime in March 2005.

He also provided updates on a cold case involving a missing girl and a treasure hunt in the southwestern United States, which he discussed previously on the 10/9/04 show. Dames said the search for a stagecoach strongbox filled with gold led his remote viewing team to private property near Flagstaff, AZ, where they abandoned plans to dig it up. The hunt for a significant amount of gold continued and, according to Dames, led him to an area rich with gold-bearing soil 20 miles southeast of Pahrump, NV. (The exact GPS location of the find is 35° 48' 33.5" N / 115° 27' 21.5" W.) Dames is currently looking for yet another gold treasure and hopes to find it by Spring.

Dames also talked about his continuing search for the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) killer, and how he gets "into the head" of his remote viewing targets. Dames said that a group of trained professional remote viewers can actually zero in on certain individuals, and affect them psychically.


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