Showing posts with label JP Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JP Morgan. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

JP Morgan in Bribery Probe for China Hiring Practices

JP Morgan is under scrutiny by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, because of questionable hiring practices in China.

Due to China's business and political environments, companies with the right personal connections, or "guanxi" can sometimes gain a competitive advantage. But the SEC is investigating to see whether JP Morgan has gone too far, and violated bribery laws by hiring the children of state-owned company executives, in order to win contracts.

Watch Mike Chen as he discusses the practice of hiring the children of officials or executives in China, and when this may be a problem.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

JP Morgan Caught Cooking The Books

Prosecutors have pointed to internal failings at America's largest bank that ultimately cost it more than $6 billion in losses

Former JP Morgan staffers charged of trade mulit-billion trade loss cover up

Two former employees of a major US bank have been charged in relation to the so called London Whale trading scandal. Both Javier Martin-Artajo, and Julien Grout are accused of trying to cover up last year's $ 6.2 billion derivatives trading loss and have been charged in both criminal and civil court with falsifying documents and wire fraud. They worked in JP Morgan Chase's chief investment office. Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey reports from New York, US.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan?

Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan?

Everything could be and might be involved in a cover up on big projects of this size.I would never rule anything out in those days.Just look at today in shipping and road and aircrafts, same applies to this never mind ships.Anything to cut corners and safety it was worse in the early days of shipping even right up to now.Insurance scams sinking of ships changing names of ships and color you name it has been done.So titanic no exception to the rule.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Massive Fire at JP Morgan Gold VAULT!! Ooops Your Gold's Gone

There was a massive fire at JP Morgan's downtown NYC gold vault. No signs of fire, smoke, or MSM reporters. Were all the certificates for people who were holding gld paper certificates burned up in this fire??
Here's what we know:
1. JP Morgan announced on Friday, it's physical inventory was down 66%....this is unprecedented
2. They were claiming on Friday they only had 42,000 oz's of gold on inventory with 500,000+ orders for delivery pending....ooops
3. JP Morgan has sold 60x the amount of available gold that's already been mined and that's still in the ground in the form of gld certificates
4. JP Morgan doesn't have and NEVER had the physical gold to back the sales of gld.
5. How does a vault which stores metal - gold, catch on fire
Although there's been a massive attempt to collapse the mining industry over the past several months by manipulating the price of gold & silver below the cost of extraction by the mines, the mines are still operating.
A massive transfer of wealth is underway.

JP Morgan Vault On Fire ~ What Really Happened ?

Here is the truth about last night's fire at the JP Morgan Vault. Silver Bullet Silver Shield is back with Love

 JP Morgan bought vault insurance on Friday just like the owner of the World Trade Center buildings amended his insurance, to include acts of terrorism, right before 911.
 Any false flag event? Some kind of a future bank scam? The devil gives us foreshadows all the time. For some reason they always give us signs before an event happens to mock us or see if we can figure it out. This maybe the foreshadow of the dollar dying or being destroyed?

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