Friday, August 16, 2013
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Think For Yourself" - (8/8/13)
I always love to hear that term "Correction." In a completely manipulated market, the only correction I know is to get rid of the corruption.
There's all this talk about the infamous Hindenburg Omen that signals a huge
stock market crash on the horizon. However, I believe the U.S. has a much worse omen starring it in the face -- the Brontosaurus Warning.
It's one thing to see the negative signs in a single market, but another to
witness the disintegration of an entire economic system. The indicators
below reveal the Brontosaurus Warning of an "Extinction level event" for
the U.S. economy:
MARKETS (Aug 15th)
DOW JONES = -220 points
US DOLLAR = -48 points
10 YEAR = +4 points
GOLD = +29.70
SILVER = +$1.28
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Just The Beginning" - (8/7/13)
Give President Obama another Nobel Peace Prize to put in Guantanamo. WW3 started by President who started his Presidency with a Nobel Peace Prize. The irony will be a bitter commentary on the corrupt worlds values. 'Obarnacle' ha ha. The brilliance of the new names for him keeps rolling . Obaminadable, I say!
"Uneducated American opinions regarding drone killings, Al Qaeda's "conference call" & when will all the people of the world stand up against these criminals?"
Monday, August 12, 2013
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "United States Of Secrecy" - (8/6/13)
"Amazon website founder to purchase "The Washington Post", scientists cook up homegrown beef & Jay Carney refuses to provide any information about the "terror threats". Typical answers from a carnival bullshit artist!"
Original release: 8/6/13.
the debt is so high and un-payable that we keep getting money loaned just so we can service the interest. Its like the credit companies that hawk in and loan money to people who can not pay it back. Not sure if there is international bankruptcy law, but I could see the US forfeiting its assets. Oh yeah we already are doing so. "In other words, these are promises that the government made but which the government can break at any time." Social Security, Medicare, and VA health benefits: I'm too young for the first two and my contributions to them will likely never be realized. However, I would be dead without VA healthcare. This article potentially took several years off of my life expectancy, so thanks because I'm not at all sure that I want to live long enough to see this thing through to the end. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to help out the younger generation that will likely not see any of these benefits. Even people who, for whatever reason, did not enroll in the VA within their first 180 days of leaving the military are cast into the mix of easily forgotten. Fighting for this nation was a mistake in the grand scheme of things even though I don't regret anything that I did on a personal level. I would never sign up again though, and neither would most of the veterans who I know.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Gerald Celente Trends In The News ~ National Identity Crisis
They are lowering the price of gold because someone is planning to by it at at lower price. And then the price will go sky high. In 1930 they crashed the economy so that they could buy as much as possible at the lowest price. There will be no big crash now. Its not necessary. They manipulate the marked and take over bit by bit.
WAKE UP AMERICANS! Start by taking control of your family, homeschool, use the system that has used you, get out of the cities, become self sufficient, plant a aquaponics garden and raise fish, can meat you hunt, get an alternative heat source, stock pile wood, get some guns and lots of ammo and buy P.M.'s to barter with, why not gold?
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Gerald Celente ~ Detroit Has Gone From 'Motown' To 'Notown'
Risk markets are up -- congratulations Bernanke! While the Bank of England said they'd put QE on hold this morning, the S&P 500 edged over 1700 today -- with the help of a key manufacturing report. According to Barron's, one of our key sources, they say -- quote "It's hard to understate the gains in this report." Unfortunately, construction spending collapsed by the largest amount in a year, missing expectations dramatically.
And mortgage rates, the cost of buying a home -- hint: think construction -- are up again -- now just shy of four and a half percent. Just three months ago they were a full percentage point lower. That was about the time Chairman Bernanke threatened to taper off his QE bond buying.
Then there are all the funds that swooped in to buy cheap foreclosed houses and turn them into rental properties. Well, they are selling vis-a-vis IPO's -- in other words, dumping inventory on the middle class. Can't have a bubble without that. As Zero Hedge notes, American Homes 4 Rent just priced at a 44% discount versus its June prospectus offering. Meaning, rats -- both small and New York-sized alike -- are leaving the ship.
New developments with the controversial Durbin Amendment, which we've coined as the swipe fight. A US District Judge kicked back the Federal Reserve's rule capping debit card swipe fees saying they are still to high. The Durbin Amendment has saved merchants billions to date -- which they are not passing onto consumers, and retailers are asking for even more. Meanwhile, banks are loosing revenue and passing those cost onto debit card customers. More than likely the Fed will appeal the courts decision. Perianne breaks down interchange fees in detail. And Bob discusses recent global economic trends with Gerald Celente. Detroit, the Fed, Summers versus Yellen.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Gerald Celente Trends In The News ''The American Empire'' 7 31 13
"Bradley Manning faces 136 years in prison, Jeffrey Toobin trusts the governments secrecy decisions & President Barack Obama says in regards to Private Manning: "We don't let individuals make decisions about how the law operates". As the days go by, the once great United States Of America appears to be nothing less than a fascist ran empire. What has happened to America... & when will the people stand up?"
Real world dangerous sociopaths run the Federal Government and military. The corporations are also headed by sociopaths that would kill for any reason. Gerald has passion. Most roll over and pee on themselves like a doggy rather than try to stay informed and be brave. I have feelings, the war footage made me sick to my stomach.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Gerald Celente Blog - Trends In The News - "Corruption & Manipulation" - (7/29/13)
Fractional Reserve Banking, that's right folks, this pyramid scheme is collapsing.The people who have all the money will not tolerate it's loss.The 7 nation not under banking control are either, history 4 gone, or having a bullseye painted on them.Iran, Cuba,N.Korea, all really bad guys the 1% doesn't control.Get ready fo the mark.
Slavelandia IS the future! I'm am an advocate right now, I have a Slavelandia hat (made in the poorest slums of Malaysia by children under the age of 6) that is decorated around in Swastikas and Fasces and a Slavelandia logo written in the new numeric language of Slavelandia, gee it's going to be fantastische!
Gerald Celente Trends In The News ''Disgusting News Day'' 7 26 13
"Criminal charges pressed against SEC, Haliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf spill evidence & even the Chinese don't want to buy their own crap!"
Thursday, August 1, 2013
GERALD CELENTE TRENDS on Detroit 'No-town' and the New Reserve Currency
Here's what's in your Prime Interest today:
Risk markets are up -- congratulations Bernanke! While the Bank of England said they'd put QE on hold this morning, the S&P 500 edged over 1700 today -- with the help of a key manufacturing report. According to Barron's, one of our key sources, they say -- quote "It's hard to understate the gains in this report." Unfortunately, construction spending collapsed by the largest amount in a year, missing expectations dramatically.
And mortgage rates, the cost of buying a home -- hint: think construction -- are up again -- now just shy of four and a half percent. Just three months ago they were a full percentage point lower. That was about the time Chairman Bernanke threatened to taper off his QE bond buying.
Then there are all the funds that swooped in to buy cheap foreclosed houses and turn them into rental properties. Well, they are selling vis-a-vis IPO's -- in other words, dumping inventory on the middle class. Can't have a bubble without that. As Zero Hedge notes, American Homes 4 Rent just priced at a 44% discount versus its June prospectus offering. Meaning, rats -- both small and New York-sized alike -- are leaving the ship.
New developments with the controversial Durbin Amendment, which we've coined as the swipe fight. A US District Judge kicked back the Federal Reserve's rule capping debit card swipe fees saying they are still to high. The Durbin Amendment has saved merchants billions to date -- which they are not passing onto consumers, and retailers are asking for even more. Meanwhile, banks are loosing revenue and passing those cost onto debit card customers. More than likely the Fed will appeal the courts decision. Perianne breaks down interchange fees in detail. And Bob discusses recent global economic trends with Gerald Celente. Detroit, the Fed, Summers versus Yellen.
Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Gold Prices and the Economy - Goldseek Radio - July 26, 2013
Trends Expert Gerald Celente is also known as Dr Doom and the Nostradamus of Modern Times , Gerald Celente is regarded as one of the foremost trend predictors in the world. This author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking, and publisher of The Trends Journal, is frequently a guest on television news and talk show programs. The New York Post said "if Nostradamus were alive today, he'd have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente." Gerald Celente has spent thirty years identifying, analysing and tracking the global trends that shape our future. As Director of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald is trusted by many large corporations to produce the most accurate, timely and comprehensive forecasts. Whether as a keynote speaker or a media pundit, he provides audiences with real world trends they can act upon.Gerald is the only analyst to cover over 300 diversified trends fields. On topics as diverse as consumer goods, health, food, entertainment, education, retail, technology, science, energy and trade, his keynote speeches analyse all the global trends. Major corporations, governments, and businesses around the world have benefited from Gerald's depth of knowledge and expertise. His speech on the subject of innovation inspires and energises audiences and demonstrates that, when you 'Think for Yourself', innovation and success are the natural by-products.Gerald also customises keynotes to fit a client's specific area of activity. He confers with them to identify their interests and concerns, then thoroughly researches the field using the resources of The Trends Research Institute. This information is analysed to assess the likely impact of emerging trends and to develop proactive recommendations on how to profit from change. The resulting bespoke presentation zeroes in on hidden opportunities and gives the audience an abundance of practical, usable trend information that they can put to good use.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News! Big News!
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Desire Of Power" - (7/24/13)
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Desire Of Power" - (7/24/13)
Trends in the News: Disgusting News Day! Criminal charges pressed against SEC, Haliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf spill evidence , "Complete media gridlock, Cuba's harsh self assessment & the lust for more power and control."
Friday, July 26, 2013
GERALD CELENTE - TRENDS In the NEWS - "The Extended Generation?" - (7/23/13)
THE masses like freak shows, I am divorced from these shows like the late George Carlin said.
"Housing rebounds, American's living with families in one household & the presstitutes keep pumping out more baby news..."
Original release: 7/23/13.
Friday, July 12, 2013
GERALD CELENTE ~ The Money Junkies & The Wise Guys
Gerald Celente, Director and founder of The Trends Research Institute, is the pioneer in forecasting, analyzing, and MANAGING trends. Celente designed and currently teaches the first professional course in trend tracking. Using his unique perspectives on current events forming future trends he developed the Globalnomic methodology which is used to forecast and manage trends.
Gerald Celente is also known as Dr Doom and the Nostradamus of Modern Times , Gerald Celente is regarded as one of the foremost trend predictors in the world. This author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking, and publisher of The Trends Journal, is frequently a guest on television news and talk show programs. The New York Post said "if Nostradamus were alive today, he'd have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente."
Here are some of Gerald Celente's health, environmental, social, entertainment, cultural, business and consumer trends for 2010.
• The Crash of 2010: The Bailout Bubble is about to burst. Be prepared for the onset of the Greatest Depression.
• Depression Uplift: The pursuit of elegance and affordable sophistication will raise spirits … and profits.
• Terrorism 2010: Years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq – and now Pakistan – have intensified anti-American sentiment. 2010 will be the year of the lone-wolf, self-radicalized gunman.
• Neo-Survivalism: A new breed of survivalist is devising ingenious stratagems to beat the crumbling system. And, they’re not all heading for the hills with AK-47’s and pork & beans.
• Not Welcome Here: Fueled by fear and resentment, a global anti-immigration trend will gather force and serve as a major plank in building a new political party in the US.
• TB or Not TB: With two-thirds of Americans Too Big (TB) for their own good (and everyone else’s), 2010 will mark the outbreak of a “War on Fat,” providing a ton of business opportunities.
• Mothers of Invention: Taking off with the speed of the Internet revolution, “Technology for the Poor” will be a major trend in 2010, providing products and services for newly downscaled Western consumers and impoverished consumers everywhere.
• Not Made In China: A “Buy Local,” “My Country First” protectionist backlash will deliver a big “No” to unrestrained globalism and open solid niches for local and domestic manufacturers.
• The Next Big Thing: Just as the traditional print media (newspapers/magazines) were scooped by Internet competition, so too will new communication technologies herald the end of the TV networks as we know them.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Alex Jones Show - Gerald Celente, Ben Fuchs - Friday, June 28, 2013 (Full Show)
The Alex Jones Show - Friday, June 28, 2013 (Full Show): Gerald Celente, Ben Fuchs
Friday: The Alex Jones Show. Ben Fuchs Schools Us On Estrogen Mimickers. Plus, Gerald Celente on All Things In The Global Forecast of American Revolution:
On this explosive Friday, June 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex exposes the joke of gun control after a nanny cam captured the brutal beating of unarmed New Jersey woman. Authorities have now begun the mass purging of the First Amendment by labeling Americans' sarcastic comments as "terrorist threats." A Texas teenager has been behind bars since March after a Canadian woman phoned police over a crude joke he made in an on-line game. The cyber-industrial complex is already well on its way in the purging of the Fourth Amendment, labeling the domestic spy grid as "national security." Gerald Celente, financial forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins Alex in studio to discuss the implications of this privacy-killing industry, spending over $80 billion a year and employing over 835,000 contractors.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
TRENDS TRACKING ~ Coast to Coast AM Oct 20 2012
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Gerald Celente
Trends analyst Gerald Celente regularly provides business and industry with customized presentations and commissioned research studies in over 300 trend categories. He joined John B. Wells to talk about what he sees on the horizon for the United States.
Monday, June 3, 2013
The Alex Jones Show : David Icke & Gerald Celente - Monday (6-3-13)
On this Monday, June 3rd special edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts to the globalist cabal from Watford, United Kingdom, as the secretive Bilderberg confab commences at the Grove Hotel. Alex reports live from the scene and Mike Adams guest hosts from Austin, Texas. Alex breaks down the political and economic significance of this year's event with David Icke and Gerald Celente. David Icke is the author of numerous books and videos, including Children of the Matrix and David Icke: Big Brother, the Big Picture. Gerald Celente is a noted trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal. Mr. Celente will host the third hour of the show.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Alex Jones Show - Gerald Celente & William F.Jasper : Monday (4-29-13)
The Alex Jones Show:(Commercial Free Audio) Monday, April 29 2013: William Jasper and Gerald Celente
Today 4/29/2013 Nation under Tyranny...
On the Monday, April 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to piece apart the narrative concocted around the Boston Marathon bombings, highlighting the dangers of mass Stockholm syndrome which led some Americans to disturbingly, albeit cheerfully, give up their constitutional liberties for the illusion of security. Hosting alongside Alex are Infowars reporters David Knight and Jakari Jackson, with special guest host American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente. On today's show, Alex welcomes senior editor of The New American William F. Jasper to examine the so-called elite's progress in constructing their long sought New World Order, and the fact that they must continually brag about it openly to condition the public to accept it.
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