Showing posts with label Face to Face with The Devil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face to Face with The Devil. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2010

Texe Marrs - Face to Face with The Devil

Texe Marrs has done extensive and exhaustive research to present to you an in depth view coupled with a plethora of information on statues from around the world and their religious significance, many people literally admire, adore and worship these grotesque figures as if they somehow emit some form of energy force empowering the individual. Since the dawn of man, men have worshiped stone figures and have gone as far as to sacrifice people on altars to stone gods in hopes they will be given empowerment and or enlightenment.

(Please, I implore you to support and donate to Power of Prophecy Ministries if you can afford it, so Texe Marrs can have the resources to continue to expose the Illuminati satanic crime syndicate, your contributions will be greatly appreciated.)

Side note: "I have no affiliation with Texe Marrs in any way, just a fan of his work."

"I wanted to upload this video in "HD" (1gb) but it would have taken 12 hours to download each individual video that I ripped, my CPU is slow."

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