Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Alex Jones Show : Doug Hagmann ~ Sunday, April 14 2013
Sunday-Liberal media's war on the 2nd Amendment. Date: 04/14/2013 On the Sunday, April 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the plan to disarm America by passing incremental feel-good laws that will further erode the foundation of the Second Amendment. On today's show, Alex talks with Douglas J. Hagmann of the Hagmann Report and the Northeast Intelligence Network. Mr. Hagmann reveals inside information about the case of David Lewis who had his legal firearms wrongly confiscated under New York's recently passed NY SAFE Act. Alex also gets into the latest on the failed state of North Korea and the threat of a new Asian war. He also covers a threat issued by the Austin Police stating they will arrest citizens for drinking and walking.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Insider Doug Hagmann : Obama To Fully Engage Gun Owners with Armed Feds in 2013
YOUR property?? The way the elite (British) inbreds see it? It's THEIRS! They still own this land, on paper. 1776 was planned by the Illuminists (British monarchy & their owner, the Pope, & the predecessors of the Rothschilde regime (so called Adam Weishaupt Group which later spawned Zionism, the most recent 'ism' (excuse) for Global domination). They knew that no one is more hopelessly enslaved than those who erroneously think they're free. They OWN YOU too! But the ultimate ruse is not that America is free (because it isn't) or that a 1040 IRS FORM is a tribute paid to Britain, or that USSR and China are just British operations, or the CIA, NASA, and other alphabet soup 'American' operations are actually British-owned, or that the War of 1812 was staged so that British soldiers could storm our repository in Connecticut and burn all of our original Declaration documents & replace them with ALL CAPS (CORPORATE) documents that undermined our efforts.Then the still-armed British soldiers (agents) got back on their ships & left for home. when have a conquered army ever been allowed to keep their weapons upon a 'defeat & retreat?' The armed british troops didn't leave until the British put their guy in as Prez, Geo. Werrsington, 9th 'president.' He divided the 'estates' (CORPORATE 'STATES') up between the British loyalist families. The 14th colony we never heard about in history class belongs to the British monarchy. That's everything else.It's all the british/pope/black nobility inbreds of europe who have designed this elaborate ruse, and all they have to do is point their fingers and we do it all to each other to defend 'isms.' It's already a global slavery operation. We need to start pointing our fingers at them. That's why all the british twits (owned subjects, see: owned slaves) are on our TVs telling us we can't: dance, sing, cook, etc ('judging' us like we're stupid idiots). It's the 1st wave of the British 'invasion.'
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