Showing posts with label Detroit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detroit. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chicago The next Detroit? - Chicago's Pensions Problems Raising Alarms - Bailout For Detroit?

Another Detroit? - Chicago's Pensions Problems Raising Alarms - Bailout For Detroit?

Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark, all appear to have a Minority Majority Problem.
3rd world immigration = higher crime rates.
Higher crime rates = Middle Class flight.
White flight = less people to tax.
Less people to tax = higher taxes.
Higher taxes = more Middle Class flight.
More Middle Class flight = financial collapse.
You can’t have a first world Nation with a 3rd world Population.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Detroit forces Unions to join Obamacare

The city of Detroit has found a way to help curb its debt by making unions join the health care program they marched for Obamacare.
In theory, unions are examples of free association. In practice, they are a bunch of thugs who have contributed to the corruption of our govt. There should be competition among unions at each workplace, but instead the government grants them bad monopolies. Corps should never be forced by the govt to negotiate with them or even recognize them. And no government employee unions should be even allowed.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Detroit : What's Left After Bankruptcy?

July 22 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg Economics Editor Michael McKee looks at the depths of Detroit's economic malaise and what might be recoverable following the city's declaration of bankruptcy. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "In The Loop."

Friday, July 19, 2013

Greece Is Better Off Than Detroit

The Financial troubles Greece has faced in recent years aren't as bad as what Detroit will go through, Merk Investments's Axel Merk says.

Detroit Bankrupt news conference historical

Today July 19 2013 Here is the news conference by Governor Rick Snyder and emergency manager Kevyn Orr explaining why they claimed bankruptcy.


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