Showing posts with label BenJamin Fulford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BenJamin Fulford. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Benjamin Fulford August 19 2013 - Why the "just following orders" mentality allowed...

Notice to readers: This week we return to pre-written material as I finish my holiday outside of the digital information matrix. Next week I will be back in Tokyo and will report the latest news about the upcoming autumn offensive against the cabal.

Benjamin Fulford Message, "Who's Who"

The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of "disclosure" about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic

The push to end the illegal rule of the West by a criminal cabal is escalating on multiple fronts as seen by a spate of incidents that seem, on the surface to be un-related. These incidents include the "murder" of a journalist in California, the ongoing NSA leaks scandal, the un-reported kidnapping of US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, the murder of three free energy researchers last week and escalating riots.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Exposes The Financial War

Eventually they want to move the world financial hub to Germany. Wall Street could become a ghost town or severely stunted. America has taken the bait and is rapidly falling into colony decay. The Wall Street bankers have done their job and soon will move on.The GERMAN GOLD is GONE. It's been sold or used around the world for CIA bribes. That's precisely 'why' the Feds gave the Germans that flippant and terse response. There is also no gold in Fort Knox from many credible sources. Our fiat currency is "on its own".

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Benjamin Fulford August 6 2013 - NEIL KEENAN UPDATE

Count S. C. Chiang and DRA. Maria Agnes Budilestari will now be working closely with The Keenan Group, World Bank counsel Karen Hudes to have a potential strategic convergence with The Keenan Group's, Prince Judge Matthew Greene of Thebes is in the process of forming a new World Court to address the multitude of issues soon to arise from the global shift.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Benjamin Fulford August 6 2013 - Real life assassins and their role

The reason I got to know many professional killers first hand was because I have worked for a long time as a financial journalist. It does not take long reporting in that field before you understand finance is intimately connected with high level organized crime.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Benjamin Fulford July 22 2013 - Long hot summer a prelude to more action in the fall

Benjamin Fulford
To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles that went on for months before suddenly the Polish Communist government fell
The printing press will not stop. The federal reserve is meeting with the banking houses of Europe in August to adjust rates and details.
All of the congress and government is ILLEGITIMATE. I don't know what part of this people do not understand. If a government who was given power to REPRESENT you does NOT represent you, then you have a hostile takeover of that government by a foreign entity. That IS what has happened in the U.S. The united States has no valid government at the moment. They have an illusion pretending to be government. Actors and puppets

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Benjamin Fulford June 25 2013 Major offensive against cabal control continues on multiple fronts

The push to end the illegal rule of the West by a criminal cabal is escalating on multiple fronts as seen by a spate of incidents that seem, on the surface to be un-related. These incidents include the "murder" of a journalist in California, the ongoing NSA leaks scandal, the un-reported kidnapping of US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, the murder of three free energy researchers last week and escalating riots.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Benjamin Fulford June 11 2013 - Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military

The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of "disclosure" about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Benjamin Fulford May 28 2013 - The tide has definitely turned against the Cabal

There are indications everywhere now that the tide has turned decisively against the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and its plans for a family controlled fascist New World Order global dictatorship.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Benjamin Fulford -- Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war -- 2013-05-20

Benjamin Fulford -- 2013-05-20 -- Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war

Benjamin Fulford – 2013-05-20 – Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war in North East Asia also coming

One of the most frustrating but necessary things for journalists is to hold information on embargo until a go ahead is given for publishing. This is one of those frustrating times. Embargoes are needed to ensure plans are not sabotaged and lives are not endangered.
However, there are enough hints available in the public domain for us to put some dots together. What is clear is that there is a lot of hysteria in Washington D.C. (IRS, Benghazi etc.) and London, England (pedophilia, gold market). It is also clear that for at least six months public statements by the US State Department repeated in the Zionist media have been regularly contradicted by the Pentagon. There are also proliferating signs of a breakdown in the financial system. All of this points to some sort of dramatic black swan incident soon. We will talk more about this below.
In Asia as well, secret negotiations with North Korea and among Asian powers are clearly preparations for a change in the post-war global power structure. The visit to North Korea last week by Isao Iijima, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was a case in point. We got four different versions of what was talked about, two Japanese, one North Korean and one Chinese. Like the Sufi story of the blind men and the elephant (an elephant is big and flat, it is like a hose, it is like a tree trunk etc.) you need to piece the different versions together to figure out what is really going on. What the stories all agree upon though is that the visit was at best a fishing expedition, at worst a failure.
A source in the Japanese imperial family had the most interesting take on what Iijima had to say to the North Koreans. According to this source, Iijima asked the North Koreans if they would be willing to host 1 million Sabbatean refugees expected to want to leave Europe and the United States soon and was told no. This story about 1 million refugees looking for a place to go after leaving the United States has propped up repeatedly and from enough different sources that it seems to stem from a genuine belief that 1 million people will be asked to leave the US once the truth about what has been done by them to the American people is made public. My sources say they will not be allowed to leave but will have to face the music (ie be sent to the Fema camps they prepared for others).
The Chinese government source had a different angle on what went on during this visit. According to him, Iijima was told very clearly that North Korea was not willing to negotiate through the Japanese Foreign Ministry because it was staffed with Zionist slaves who have twice sabotaged deals reached between Japan and North Korea to normalize relations. This was in line with what a source in the Japanese public security police heard too.
The North Korean source also said the Japanese Foreign Ministry was not to be trusted. North Korea has made a very friendly and detailed proposal to deal with all outstanding issues preventing resumption of friendly diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan. We know the details but have been asked to keep them secret for now.
The Japanese official also pointed out that countries like Germany, France and the UK already have extensive relations with North Korea that they were not talking about. British Tobacco, for example, sells North Korean Tobacco labeled as British, he said.
There is also something going on under the surface in South Korea that is related to this issue somehow. South Korean conglomerates are desperate to get their hands on South Korean Won and have been offering to trade them for yen at a two to one rate compared to the official exchange rate. They are also trying to sell old imperial South Korean gold (although they have not yet provided satisfactory proof of its existence).
This is related to a major attack on control of the South Korean banking system by Goldman Sachs, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. It is also related, as reported in previous issues, to plans to tax the assets of South Korean residents of Japan who wish to take their yen to Korea before tax officials seize them.
The Asians all seem to be waiting for some sort of major event in the United States that will allow the map of North East Asia to be fundamentally redrawn.
The question everybody who is not brain dead or bribed is asking, of course, is when the crooks on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. will finally be rounded up and put in jail where they belong.
Some sources say the takedown has already begun. The firing of 26 generals was a start. Now the Internal Revenue Service is being taken down, they say.
The real question, of course, is when the elders of Zion are rounded up and put in jail. Never mind the debate over whether or not the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a racist forgery. The fact of the matter is that Zionism exists, it is not (but pretends to be) Judaism, and it is guilty of massive crimes against humanity.
Here is a link for those of you who still have heads in the sand over this issue:
The Zionists must have leaders who could be labeled "Elders of Zion." A senior member of the Italian P2 lodge says two names in particular are now blocking the start of the new financial system: Cohen and Levi. Chinese sources have already identified a Jean Cohen of the Hoche Group in France as having paid Chinese demonstrators 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese riots. The Levi name is more mysterious but they will be flushed out of the woodwork sooner rather than later.
When this high level crime syndicate is finally brought down, a redistribution of criminally obtained assets (think hedge fund, offshore, 100 times leverage, insider trading etc.) is certain to follow.
That is probably why many of the richest Americans are in a panic to take their fraudulently earned fiat dollars and turn them into hard assets as quickly as possible. That is why there is frantic buying of gold, art, real estate and anything else that actually exists in reality and not just in a bank computer.
What we are about to witness is the unraveling of a giant apparatus of lies, bribery, murder and illusion that has fooled us into wars and out of our money for centuries. The repercussions will be historical. Imagine the fall of the Soviet Union on steroids.
~ Benjamin Fulford – May 20, 2013
Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Monday, May 20, 2013

Benjamin Fulford May 20 2013 - Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate

Benjamin Fulford May 20 2013 - Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate

One of the most frustrating but necessary things for journalists is to hold information on embargo until a go ahead is given for publishing. This is one of those frustrating times. Embargoes are needed to ensure plans are not sabotaged and lives are not endangered.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ben Fulford: North Korean nukes, Syrian chemical weapons all linked to desperate Zionists, April 15

Benjamin Fulford: North Korean nukes, Syrian chemical weapons all linked to desperate Zionists, April 15

The systematic take-down of the criminal Sabbatean Satan worshipping Zionist cabal that seized power in the West through control of the financial system is continuing despite their ongoing threats of mass murder. The latest casualty, a victim of murder according to MI5, is Nat Rothschild, until recently the presumptive heir to the Rothschild dynasty. This information has not been confirmed by other sources but the most recent public appearance this writer could find of him on the internet was March 26th. If he was killed, then he joins the former Pope, 26 US generals, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and countless others in being removed from the apex of power in recent months. One possible hint that more cabal purges are in the works is the fact that Japan’s Imperial Household Agency has still not said whether or not the Crown Prince will accept an invitation to the coronation of the new Dutch King Willem-Alexander on April 30th even though an answer was supposed to have been given by the end of March. This may be related to an intensifying campaign to remove the Windsor (Saxe-Gotha/Rothschild) family from the British throne, the house of Saud from control of the Arabian oilfields and stooge president Obama from the White House, according to gnostic illuminati, MI5 and Vatican P2 lodge sources. The cabal has been trying desperately to start a major war to keep in power but nobody in control of serious military power is being fooled any more. The people in the pentagon know that it is the Zionist cabal that is behind both the North Korean nuclear threats and the talk of chemical weapons being used in Syria. They are not going to be manipulated into Zionist wars anymore, pentagon sources say. Skull and Bones closet homosexual Nazi stooge US Secretary of State John Kerry was in Asia last week stirring up trouble but was not being taken seriously. Kerry and his fellow Zionist agent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were both

Monday, April 8, 2013

Benjamin Fulford - Sabbatean mafia plans to stage nuclear terror, blame North Korea. April 8 2013

The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Benjamin Fulford April 2 2013 - Plasma ball spotted over Mt. Fuji, HAARP attack suspected

A powerful plasma ball was spotted over Mt. Fuji and photographed by this writer. The photographs clearly show the plasma burning over the massive volcano.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Benjamin Fulford ~ New Jesuit Pope & New Israeli Government , Not a coincidence

Benjamin Fulford March 19 2013 - New Pope, new Israeli government : It may be just a coincidence but it may also be a sign that something big is about to happen. There will be a new Pope, a new Bank of Japan governor and a new Israeli government taking office on March 19th, a date of occult significance for Asian secret societies (and also, by sheer coincidence, this writer's birthday).The Present Pope is an Jesuit, and the high level Jesuits contrive wars behind their fronts Organizations. He was behind the Argintina Slaughter/Genecide. They use their political figures to work both sides. This video covering making the Pope Francis I, a victim of his times, not correct and misinformation. The Jesuits , High Level, head the cabal all over. Lean about the Hegalian Dialectic. This may help understand "order out of Chaos".

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ben Fulford : Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in the trap

Benjamin Fulford February 5 2013 Ben Fulford : Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in the trap

The announcement last week that Queen “Bilderberg” Beatrix of the Netherlands was abdicating the throne is but a visible sign of some fundamental changes in the secret power structure of the West. In a yet to be publicly confirmed move, David and J. Rockefeller have fled to an Island near Fiji, according to a CIA source. The Bush family, for its part, tried to flee via an airport in Arkansas but were prevented from doing so by the FBI, the same source says. This source, who correctly predicted the resignation of Queen Beatrix is also saying that Queen Elizabeth with [will] resign in favour of her grandson in the near future. These moves are all connected to the ongoing counter-attack against the genocidal Western elitists affiliated with the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations and other related organizations. As will be described below, there is a lot more to come. Also, at the time of this writing Lord James Sassoon has not responded to a hand-written letter delivered to him last week at the House of Lords in England asking for comment on the allegations that he bribed 82 politicians (actually paid actors) affiliated with Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party. There are also plenty of indications of escalating infighting within the financial elite. The SWIFT international banking transfer system, for example, is becoming dysfunctional because….

Saturday, January 26, 2013

BenJamin Fulford : The Nazis are creating a Sunni Super state in the Middle East

BENJAMIN FULFORD ON THE NEXUS OF INTEL GANGSTERS The Nazis are creating a Sunni Super state in the middle East , the skull and bones originated in Turkey , the Nazis in their search for allies created the Muslim brotherhood and helped the Indians to gain independence from Britain now they are creating a Sunni superstate in order to counter the Persian empire , the europeans want to secure the middle east as a buffer against Asia


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