Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Slams Obama Economic Speech: 'There's Something Pathologically Wrong Here'

July 24, 2013 - RUSH LIMBAUGH: Oh, jeez. Folks, I can't react to this without... there's something pathologically wrong here. In the first place, "Washington has taken its eye off the ball, and I'm here to say this needs to stop." Now, I mentioned, I told you I heard that bite, I heard him say it live. He is Washington! This is the Limbaugh Theorem. He's articulating it himself. It's coming out of his own mouth. He's out there in Illinois claiming Washington hasn't been paying enough attention to the economy. They've been looking at the IRS. They've been looking at Benghazi. They have been looking into Obamacare, and they haven't been working on the economy, and (imitation) "I'm here in Illinois to make sure that they refocus in Washington," as though he has had nothing to do with it.


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