Thursday, May 2, 2013

In a Police State Dissent is Terrorism

The war against privacy: ECPA vs FISA

There's a bunch happening in tech this week, and a lot of it right here in Washington: a US Senate committee is looking to make changes to the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) so that investigators will require an actual warrant if they want to obtain outdated emails; but meanwhile a study shows that government surveillance is on the rise, at least in terms of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA. Requests for Americans' data using FISA have gone up during the last year, and little remains know about the shadowy process of how and when Uncle Sam asks for personal user data. All of this surveillance might seem confusing, but luckily the Electronic Frontier Foundation has released their annual report discussing which Internet companies are worth relying on when it comes down to protecting your privacy. Meghan Lopez is joined by RT's Andrew Blake to discuss this and more.

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