Thursday, April 11, 2013

Max Keiser : Bitcoin The New Currency to Stick it to the Banks

Max Keiser on Bitcoin Currency : Abby Martin talks to Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report, about the global economy and the growing popularity of the decentralized digital currency known as the Bitcoin.
 it has a limit. you can't cointerfeit  Bcoin, due to the energy used to make a transaction. plus Bcoin can't inflate, lose purchasing power or be diluted ergo 1BC=1BC.
Bitcoin and other digital currencies using the code of BCoin will make a decentralised plethora of currencies ie. Bcoin, Tcoin, FCoin, even Fed coin.
though because of the consensus of Bcoin, Tcoins and alt currencies will NEVER expand Bcoin AS Bcoin, the code wont register. the data can't be converted into 20+ million Bcoins
it's an asset, it's not fiat (unlimited)
there will be only 20 million in the world.
thereby Bitcoin, is like a comodity, (gold standard)
plus Bitcoin's velocity is quite fast thus because it's not a currency.
it's like metal.

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