A small step in a non violent, and legal way would be a tax protest that would involve: not purchasing lottery tickets, hunting and fishing licenses, cigarettes, alcohol, giving up a recreational vehicle (i.e. registration, inspection and insurance), purchasing less gasoline, etc. All would require some sacrifice, but if people are not willing to make those small sacrifices, then they sure aren't going to take the risk of a major tax revolt ...Instead of not spending money,we should be spending our money in a way that benefits people directly.For example instead of buying a new TV,spend the money to hire a local guy to do a home repair,landscaping,groom the dog, etc.Whatever we do,we should not hurt other Americans.Keep your money local.We are all in this together.It is us against them, not each other.We need to protect and care about one another more than ever before.
👉How to Invest in Silver with Silver Expert John Lee The Silver Elephant !!
👉How to Invest in Silver with Silver Expert John Lee The Silver Elephant
!! 👉How to Invest in Silver with Silver Expert John Lee The Silver
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3 years ago