Friday, February 22, 2013

Rand Paul: Can President Obama Kill Americans on American Soil With Drone Strikes?

We need more like Rand! The drone agendas have the the same implications as that of LAPD vs. Dorner. Making one man the judge, jury and executioner is assassination and a violation of everyone's constitutional and God given rights! On Fox News Sunday, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) continued to press the issue of whether President Obama's nominee for CIA Director, John Brennan, believes that the President has the authority to order drone strikes on U.S. citizens on American soil, as well as on foreign soil.

Ron Paul should of been president at least he listens to the people and push laws that the people can agree to. problem is, "Neo-Amerikans" do not really WANT liberty... by and large, the masses here now would rather be taken care of by mommy/daddy STATE. "America" has become "Neo-Amerika" — an authoritarian Collectivist State.


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