Friday, January 11, 2013

Alan Grayson ~ GOP Keeps Putting America in These Cliff Situations

Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) speaks about the GOP's pattern of creating artificial crises in order to try to get what they want. The interview aired on MSNBC with Thomas Roberts on January 11, 2013.People Who Say Don't Take My Guns Need To Rethink What It Means To Live In A Civil Society! says Congressman Grayson ! I like Alan, but he's wrong on this. He sounded like a pre-crime advocate. Shootings are terrible but that doesn't justify a regression in gun laws. Hinder the innocent by appearing to go after the guilty is all that will happen as is the norm of government intervention. Gun laws will just make them more expensive. Then criminals will be the only ones that can afford them. US is within the top ten safest countries in the world. 466 violent offenders per 100,000. UK is 2000+ per 100k.


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