Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandy Hook School Shooting A False Flag Attack Planned 4 Years Ago

The US does have a substantiated long history of false flag events on it's own citizens . Every mass killing of more than three people in recent history has been in a place where guns were prohibited. people need to remember this little FACT before they start screaming for increased gun regulations & restrictions. In Chicago, Mayor Emanuel talked the same message about more gun control. Especially uzi's. Here he is on the Lake of Hypocrisy. Won't surprise me, if his bodyguards are carrying uzis. It could be hidden in a jacket. the next false flag event would target the Truth-Seeking, Prepper, Firearm-owning, non-trusting-of-the-gov't demographic. Now it appears the pansy's mother fit the bill. Now I hear the pansy's father is to testify in the Libor scandal. Sound familiar?

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