Thursday, February 14, 2013

John Perkins ~ IMF & World Bank: Two major levers of US economic hegemony

The IMF & World Bank are UN agencies , it’s sovereign eating un-elected dictator technocrats are UN agents."The UN & its agencies are immune to laws of countries where they operate” – Wikipedia The UN produces nothing, sends no revenues back into the economies, is expanding into every activity in the world. Did you know we're funding the UN's 'World Tourist Agency'? Do you think the UN is there for you? “In fact, her IMF salary of $467,940 plus an $83,760 additional allowance is not subject to any taxes. See Christine Lagarde, Scourge of Tax Evaders, Pays No Tax. No taxes is the norm for most United Nations employees …” Economist and writer John Perkins was deeply involved in Washington's economic schemes to create a global empire. Now he tells the world what's come out of it - and who really controls the world's biggest economy.

IMF and World Bank policies are opening national markets to US-dominated "multinational corporations" effectively destroying the homegrown economy of poor countries all over the world from Latin America to Africa to Asia. The program was essentially about enriching a few ruling families by kickbacks and bribes accompanying loans that opened the borrowing countries to American companies. Since the borrowing countries could never pay the loans back, the economic hitmen returned asking for cheap oil and minerals, favorable business deal, etc.


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